If you would like to participate in WDB 12 (Weekend Dog Blogging) please go visit the lovely Sweetnicks and send her an email! If you would like yo participate in WHB 9 (Weekend Herb Blogging) please Visit the lovely Kalyn
Well, I am trying to post this from my parents horribly inept internet connection. Wish they would hurry up and get broadband already. Their modem is only a 33.6 kbs ... So for now this post will be sans photo.
** Update****

hehheheh I told you he has fun here! This was first thing this morning, he decided a swim in the fish pond was in order ;)
Kiri started his drive down with a trip to the car in his cat carrier, no more weeks in hospital for me thanks! I definately learnt that lesson LOL. He had a great trip down though, sitting on my knee watching the scenery fly by, he definately gets a kick out of it. Although he would have appreciated a stop off in Brighton le sands for a huge flock of seagulls, he wanted them soooo bad!
Kiri loves this house, he spends all his time running no prancing up and down the halls, and strutting off his stuff, since this place is so much bigger. Then he rolls artound and around on the persian rug, which is much softer than the industrial grade carpet in our dining room. Then there is the best bit, the birds. Sulphur crested cockatoos, rainbow lorikeets, King Parots, bulbuls, wattle birds, indian mynors, various doves, he loves them all. He will sit still in the window for hours, hardly moving except for swishes of his tail and mmmeeerrroooowww, which to me translates as I WANT IWANTIT NOW! too cute! But you can't forget the grass, he walks around the garden, pausing momentarily to sample the wide variety of grass, he definately ius a grass conisour. Then he spies the indian runner duck and all the chickens my parents next door neighour has, he crouches down next to the fence and will watch them. The duck is not the smartest bird, once he came right up to the wire fence, that is when Kiri struck and grabbed him around the neck SQWARK!!!! then the duck was gone and Kiri had to realise that the duck would never be his, he does wish though.
Ok now it is time for me to stop gloating about my own incredibly cute kitty, and pause for one of our WCB regulars, Macroom. Macroom the new darling of Stephanie and Alex's life, not to sure about the pups but I think they are coming around. I would like to share a message from Stephanie with you ( I hope this is ok!)
Hi Clare!I hope you and the boys are doing well...I just wanted to let you know Macroom may be absent from this week's WCB. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow, and I have no idea what condition any of us will be in this weekend.We thought it was just a hairball, but throughout the week, he's been declining. Shallow breathing/wheezing, little to no appetite (to the point where he's barely drinking water), and just general lethargy/apathy. I'm more than a little freaked, so wish us well tomorrow!-- Stephanie
*** UPDATE********
HI Clare!Thanks so much for mentioning Macroom.We just got back from the vet, and unfortunately, things do not look good. They've ruled out leukemia, but based on his (seemingly) deteriorating condition, she's not hopeful of a happy outcome.He's jaundiced, anemic, lethargic...and breathing poorly. He's been given something to pump up his blood, and I get to administer two different pills to him twice a day. But if he isn't showing improvement by Monday, we go back for chest and stomach x-rays. And the vet was honest with me, saying there's a really good chance he's just not going to recover. Of course, I'm devastated. And there's little I can do to help him! That's what's most frustrating, I think.Please continue to send good thoughts our way; the little guy really needs them
*** UPDATE****
To find out how the cute little Macroom is progressing visit Stephanies update post! Get well little guy
So I hope you will all gather together, visit Stepahanie and Macroom and let her know that we hope that Macroom will be ok. Kiri and I are thinking of you. xxxxxx
So on to the Puss cats
Check out Beowoulf and Domino as they take a relaxed attitude to life at The Countess
Check out New Cats new look for the winter at Farmgirl Fare
Check out Edith and Glinda getting ready for another cat show, at anne's food
Check out rima's bathtub antics, at Les carnets de sbmarie
Check out Aggie totally killing a fake mouse, at KyakSoup
Check out Caramel riding around on the shoulder, at Heather's Space
Check out Gabriel, you don't want to mess with her, trust me; at Middle-Fork
Check out Boo's Mummy having a nap on the stove top, at masak-masak
Check out Fridolin, looking very content and relaxed. Photo posted by the lovely Rosa, of Rosa's Yummy Yums
Check out Bella and Tasha enjoying the sunshine and warm weather at A few of my favourite things
Check out Kittaya, looking handsome as always at Mahanandi
Check out Opium, wow she looks like a goddess! at Cel's Home page
Check out Max and Noosh dreaming at passionate nonchalance
Check out Miss Kitty She is starting to look festive already! at Culinary in the Desert
Check out Stella smelling the beautiful flowers (Happy Birthday Katie!) at The poor Cracklins
Check out Nelson and Sugar, acting up with all the pups at Sweetnicks
Check out River's very cute new friend over at Kitchenmage
SQUARK!!!!! I LOVE it! You are the absolute best when it comes to spelling out animal noises (and that scary muehehehe one). Hope you are having as much fun down there as Kiri. Parrots and rainbow lorikeets and cockatoos outside the window? Sounds like paradise! And not just a cat's paradise. : )
Posted by farmgirl
Here's us - this week, Edith and Glinda are getting ready for another cat show.
Posted by Anne
Me too I like Australian birds, they are soooo colorful!
Check out Rima who today is discovering the bath-tub, want a good laugh? Chech her out at Les carnets de sbmarie http://sbmarie.over-blog.com/article-1307630.html
Posted by Marie, Paris
Clare, looking forward to a Kiri shot, but your description is so vivid, I can almost see him rolling around on the persian rug. I will head on over to Dispensing Happiness ~ I love that little Macroom.
Here is Aggie this week.
Posted by Linda
Hello Clare!
Made it in for the weekend Cat blogging!
Caramel loves to hang out on my son's shoulder -- he totes her everywhere! She got her name because she looks all caramel colored and then someone rolled her in oreos or something! LOL
Posted by Heather
Top of the Morning! The image server moved yesterday, to a faster, fatter, more solid connection, but the address is still propagating. So, since it was his turn, he was abit upset, and You don't want to mess with Gabriel!
All the best, veg
Posted by the Robo Vegetable
Oh no! Poor Macroom - hope he will be ok! Lots and lots of positive thoughts that he will get well soon.
Here's this weekend's entry, it's all abt my mummy:
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Clare,
Great to know that Kiri is doing well! Hope you are also better now...
Please put the picture of my cat Fridolin on your blog! Thanks...
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by Rosa
OMG I can't believe that soggy photo! : )
Posted by farmgirl
Bella & Tasha lounging in the sunlight: http://fewofmyfavourites.blogspot.com/2005/12/wcb-26.html
Good to have you back hosting.
Posted by Cin
Hi, Clare!
Just visiting this week. Life has thrown me for a loop so no time or passion for taking pics. But I can still visit all the others. :G:
Posted by B'gina
Hello Clare,
Here is a photo of Opium: sometimes, she takes herself as a goddess! And as I saw this photo, I was wondering maybe she's right! ;)
Posted by Cel
that is such a cute picture. hard to get those live action shots! heres max and noosh dreaming some dreams:)
Posted by aria
Hi Clare!
Miss Kitty has is all dressed up and ready!
Posted by Joe
My admiration for Kiri is never-ending! He is quite the adventurous feline. New picture here of Stella and my birthday flowers that just arrived:)
Posted by KT
Now that is one wet kitty!!! =o) It sure is something else to realize that while it is the "sleeping season" here, you are in the "wakening season" there. I'm looking forward to what you write up about your holidays! Are OzLanders as freaky about cookies and other homemade goodies as we are this time of year?
Posted by Jo
I have another new kitten! I'd apologize for being late, but she's been keeping me busy. http://blog.kitchenmage.com/2005/12/wcb_river_has_a.html
Posted by kitchenmage
Check out Cory at Tuna Toast
Posted by Tokyoastrogirl
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