If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!
If you would like to participate in WDB 13 (Weekend Dog Blogging) please go visit the lovely Sweetnicks and send her an email!
If you would like yo participate in WHB 10 (Weekend Herb Blogging) please Visit the lovely Kalyn
Do you know what today is? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
So I have been slacking off and having lots of fun all over the city! But why does this concern you and wcb? Well Kiri was my bday present last yeat ( but we didn't pick him up for much longer) and for this birthday I got a new camera! A little tiny, baby digital camera, just perfect for taking photos of things on the go, when the hand cannon (our name for our other dig camera isn't appropriate). Casey chose the camera and it is a Nikon coolpix 4600, I love it!
Whilst playing around with my camera and Kiri this afternoon, I took some very cute pictures with the sports shots mode.
I love this one!
Don't forget to get baking gear ready and make your stollen!
OR forget to go visit Stephanie and pay your respects
Check out the Queen of the day, Le Chat at Heather's Space
Check out Miss Jazz, as she demands to be writted about at Slowly she turned
Check out Nala giving her version of how she enjoys a bathroom at Les Carnets de sbmarie
Check out Aggie, being a wuss in the cold (how unlike a cat LOL) at Kayaksoup
Play find the kitty amongst all the kitties at a cat in the Kitchen
Check out the 2 new kittens, Raffles and Mooncake at Gastronomy Dominence *cute Kitten alert*
Check out all the kitties all together at Tigers and Strawberries
Check out Miss Kitty, as she becomes increasingly frustrated with her 2 captors and decides to take over and become Angry Cat Blog! Muah hahahahahhh
Check out Houdini and the daisies at Middle-Fork
Check out the cats and the dogs hanging out oh so sophisticatedly in B&W at Modern Girls Kitchen
Check out Tilly the tortiseshell persian, who is very sweet and likes to fit into small boxes at Flavours
Check out Lyle getting all comfy in front of the fire at Basic Juice
Check out Widget and Max tuckered out poor fellows...at Peanut Butter and Purple Onions
Check out Stella playing peekaboo at The Poor Cracklins
Check out Callie and Sugar playing footsies (:) ) at Sweetnicks
Happy Birthday, Clare!!! I hope that you'll have a wonderful birthday! The photos are really funny!
I'm preparing my wcb post at the moment, so it will be up in a while.
Posted by Dagmar
Am back to my original theory that Kiri is not cat at all, but cyber cat toy. Great pics! happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx : )
Posted by farmgirl
A very happy Birthday Clare! I hope your entire day rocks!
below is my permalink for this weeks WCB
Posted by Heather
Those photos are great! I can't wait for my new camera.
I have a post this time, I was told to do it by the boss. She's a real slavedriver. http://slowlysheturned.blogspot.com/2005/12/miss-jazz-wcb-27.html
Posted by Laurie
Joyeux Anniversaire Clare!
I have posted my WCB today, where Nala gives her version of how she enjoys a bathroom: http://admin.over-blog.com/trackback.php?Id=1361906
Posted by Marie, Paris
Hey, my birthday was Thursday. We are both Saggitarius. Have a great birthday. Very cute photos this week for WCB.
Posted by Kalyn
Happy Birthday Clare! Wishing you a wonderful day and a wonderful year to match!
We are celebrating a birthday at my place (V's) and we will blow out another candle for u, so make a wish :)
Posted by Nupur
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Posted by Linda
Hi again,
I just realised that I forgot to mail you the link:
Take care!
Posted by Dagmar
My first WCB entry today, because my new kittens have arrived! They're unbelievable; they walked straight out of the carrier and started purring and cuddling like they owned the place.
Permalink is: http://gastronomydomine.blogspot.com/2005/12/weekend-cat-blogging-mooncakes.html
Thanks a million - and happy birthday!
Posted by Squeezeweasel
Happy Birthday Clare!! I got a new camera for my bday present as well...isn't it so much fun playing?
Kiri looks great in those action shots!
Posted by KT
Happy Birthday, Clare!
My cat's insisted she must be part of WCB again, though her ultimate motivation is a wee bit frightening...
Posted by mrs D
Happy Birthday! And many Happy Returns! and Yow! really cool action photos there. I can't offer up any such action, but here's Houdini Amid the Daises.
Posted by the Robot Vegetable
Hi Clare! I hope you are doing well and you are all better now! I've been "off line" relocating my site, which is now back up and running at a NEW location - http://www.moderngirlskitchen.com
Wellie & Maggie have posted a picture but I can't figure out the "individual url" yet - however, it's the first entry on the site if you go to the main link!
Have a super day!
Posted by emma
PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Posted by Gigolo Kitty
Happy Birthday Clare! Great pixs and camera and yes, I also love the second last pix of Kiri. Not really taking part in WCB this week but wrote something about dear Macroom.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Clare! Thanks for visiting my "new" location - I finally found the permalink (not sure how - hopefully I will be able to find it again for future posts!!!!) Anyway, here it is and Wellie & Maggie say happy birthday!!!!
Posted by emma
Happy birthday, clare! Hope you enjoyed your special day, and may you have a wonderful year ahead. :)
Posted by Julia
Don't know if I did this right or not since I am new to blogging but wanted you to see my sweet kitty. Thanks--Fran
Posted by Fran
Beware Kiri the ferocious feline!
...Meanwhile Lyle lazes by the fire .
Posted by beau
Hi there...hope I'm doing this right! And hope everyone's had a great weekend.
Widget and Max like to hog the couch on Sundays.
Posted by BNA
Hey Clare and Kiri! What a talented kitty. I'm hoping to join in the fun next weekend as I am doing much better with pics over at my place. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Posted by Alisha
Great shot of Kiri! Here's Callie and Sugar checking in. Have fun with your new toy, and happy belated birthday!!
Posted by Sweetnicks
Happy Belated Birthday, Clare! Gorgeous pictures of Kiri. My post is up. Enjoy your new camera!
Posted by Sweetnicks
Hello Clare!
I am so late for WCB 27!! However, here is a new photo of my 2 black beauties. They are so quiet on this one: http://celbartolo.free.fr/./index.php?2005/12/12/100-weekend-cat-blogging-27
PS: Happy birthday (so late again!) to you Clare! :)PPS: I let a message for Macroom, it is so sad... :(
Posted by Cel
hey Clare, happy belated birthday! i hope you had a fabulous weekend. Nice shots of Kiri, he's looking as fiesty as ever. I got a Nikon coolpix for my birthday this year too. I had asked for a smaller version of my big camera so that its easier to carry around with me. Enjoy it!
Posted by michele
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