Most people don't know this, but I am going to let you in on a little secret. Harry Potter loves to cook, and take photos and blog about his experiences. He doesn't want everyone to know because it is such a muggle thing to do (he is worried that he will be teased) and he is scared that Lord Voldemort or his death eaters will find a way to control him through his blog, perhaps by spamming his comments? Well he isn't sure but now he just can't stop!
The morning after his last success and his huge loss he was feeling too down to make breakfast, this just is not normal, especially since his post for EOMEOTE 9 was due which is run by his old pal Jeanne from Cook Sister. What ever would Harry to do? The house elf Doby decided he should pay a visit to Harry, when he heared about his predicament he knew just what to do. Doby disappeared for a moment and came back with another house elf called Casey. Doby declared that Casey made the best eggy breakfasts at Hogwart's. The best? Harry asked. The best replied Doby. Harry very nicely asked the house elf named Casey if he would make him an eggy breakfast that would be the eggy breakfast to end all eggy breakfasts and then he whispered into his ear can I take a photo of it?. Of course master, Casey replied then disappeared in a poof. Casey reappeared in just a moment and carried the best looking eggy breakfast Harry had ever seen with toast and home roasted espresso what more could Harry ask for? So quick as a flash he pulled out his camera, took a photo and had it back in his cape before anyone knew better. Then Harry tasted the eggy breakfast.... Mushrooms.... mmm fried eggs ...mmm proper bacon... mmm tomatoes ...mmmm toast....mmm coffee. Then Harry thought, I hope Hermoine doesn't find out.
*Note: Harry Potter only recommends the use of organic free range eggs*
Yum! Even Harry loves eggy brekkie.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo!!
Of course he does ;)
Posted by clare eats
I LOVE this post!!!!! (And the photo hasn't even shown up yet) You are so cute and clever, Miss Clare! : )
Posted by farmgirl
Ooooh! Photo is up! YUM!
Posted by farmgirl
lol, I just hope it isn't too tragic..... and I am not embarrasing myself too badly LOL!
Posted by clare eats
ok now THIS looks scrumdiddlyicious! EXCEPT for the eggs. I'm weird, I don't like crisp edges and I like the yolks white. I always fry my own eggs. QUESTIONS!
1. How are the tomatoes and mushrooms prepared?
2. What do you consider "proper" bacon?
Posted by Jo
Hi jo
really? That would be how I consider them perfectamundo!
LOL but everyone can have them there own way...
1) Tomatoes and mushrooms where both fresh and sliced and cooked in the same pan, pretty easy it is a big (I mean huge) circulon pan, til they went nice and caramely mmm
2) I was wondering if anyone would notice that LOL!, hmm proper bacon.... um not your streaky bacon? LOL (please don't kill me) The bacon we get is very different and I think this was just the short cut so it is mainly nice smoky bacon meat is cut alittle thick and almost no fat. and it cooks up really nicely.
Posted by clare eats
Fascinating. Yep, my family in Spain would agree with you regarding the eggs. I'm not really certain how I got to like them the way I do them. My Daddy must have made them for me like this. When I was growing up my Daddy was second only to God so everything he did was perfect ::sad smile::
As for the bacon, maybe it depends on what part of the carcass it's from? I've noticed that in Korean markets they sell "pork belly meat" thinly sliced, that looks exactly like bacon except it's raw. There are certain places, such as Dittmer's, that have meatyer (is that a word?) bacon, but still, it's fat streaked with muscle. We also get what is called "Canadian" bacon which is more like a ham... I have no idea if that is really a Canadian thing or not. Still kinda interesting....
Posted by Jo
oh that is sweet...
I can't think of where the bacon is from... umm
Posted by clare eats
Canadian bacon is called back bacon in Canada. I think (someone who knows better correct me) that the leaner bacon is from the back or the collar of the pig, which are much leaner than the bacon we're used to getting. Also Korean bacon comes in different cuts also, some from the pork belly, and the regulary streaky bacon, but in thicker cuts, but not smoked.
Posted by Anonymous
OOPS! I pushed the post button before I filled out all the fields. Sorry about that Clare!
Posted by mIlgwimper
Hi Milly
that's ok... I will forgive you this time.... lol ehheeh
Thanks for the info!
Posted by clare eats
Nice - One of my fondest memories, are of a single frying pan, first cooking bacon, than once the bacon is cooked, "sliding an egg in" and frying it, with nice crisy edges! delici-yoso!!!!!
Posted by Kirk
Yep that is so what I am talking about Kirk! lol...
how is your vegemite toast post coming along *grin*
Posted by clare eats
Nothing better than a hearty breakfast in the morning - this is exactly what I'm craving if I had been out the night before, which will put me right back on track :))
Posted by Oliver
Hi Oliver
Yep could it get more perfect as a binge cure? *grin*
Posted by clare eats
A proper breakfast, indeed! I love my eggs all ways, but I do have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for crispy edges. Growing up (and even now) I will often offer to be on egg duty, just so I can have the pan all to myself to ensure crispy edges when the craving so moves me. Ina Garten's baked provencal tomatoes (stuffed with breadcrumbs, herbs and garlic and topped with gruyère) are also a great accompaniment. And I heartily agree with Oliver, such a meal is the best post-drinking prescription!
Posted by tara
What a great breakfast! And, BTW, speaking of Harry Potter, isn't Ron's mother supposed to be a really good cook? Maybe Harry keeps his cooking interest a secret so she doesn't feel that he's stepping on her territory!
Posted by kimananda
ooo, Tara! That tomato dish sounds delicious! ::sigh:: I am so not in the mood to cook! Omlettes are one of my favs, onion & parsley... I do like omlettes which are lightly browned...
Posted by Jo
hi clare, am a huge fan of breakfast fry-ups...yours looks as perfect as it gets...cheers,j
Posted by J
Everybody likes to complain about British food. But if you've ever gobbled up an English breakfast, you'd change your mind. Sooo yum.
Posted by fin
Hey, I happen to like British food, at least what I've had opportunity to sample. But these people want to bash you around if you don't eat 15 chilis with every meal! ::grinning:: Isn't that right Clare?
Posted by Jo
Hey Clare!
That looks sooooo good - and I loved the house elves' starring role...! Thanks for playing along & here's the round-up:
Posted by Jeanne
Hi Jeanne
thanks for such a fun theme :)
Posted by clare eats
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