Well this is the first savoury dish cooked on my new stove, it is so simple yet perfect. The flavour of the salmon is heightened by an organic raspberry vinegar which was brought on the way back from my recent interlude. The salmon was served with garlicy grilled fennel and just steamed mothers organic broccoli. Perfect. We enjoyed this with a Moondah Brook Verdelo which was the perfect accompaniment.
Garlicy Fennel
Pre heat Griddle Pan tile HOT! Pre heat oven to 200 degrees C
Slice a fennel in half longways (half a fennel per person)
Cut the half into thin wedges
Place the wedges on the griddle pan, when the have marked and just started to juice turn the over. When cooked take them off the heat, keep grilling til all the fennel is cooked.
Finely chop some garlic.
In an oven proof tray lay down a few fennel wedges, sprinkle with garlic, fresh cracked pepper, salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Repeat til all the fennel is in a nice stack. Place in the oven (It will be hot and ready when the salmon is done)
Simple Salmon
Rub the outside of a salmon fillet (150 - 200 gms per person)
Crack fresh black pepper and a sprinkle of salt on the salmon skin.
Place on preheated griddle pan Skin side down. Cook for a couple of minutes thenpick up salmon and rotate by 90 degrees. Leave for a minute then place in the oven on the griddle pan. When the salmon is cooked to your liking (a couple of minutes at most, no more) take the pan out of the oven and place on skin side up on a bed of the garlicy fennel and drizzle with the raspberry vinaigrette emulsion. Serve with the broccoli.
raspberry vinaigrette
Mix raspberry Vinegar, olive oil and S&P to taste, whip to emulsify.
Steam Some broccoli and when tender mix with a tsp of butter a handful of freshly chopped Italian parsley S&P
You know, I've never really cooked much with fennel, but I see I'm going to have to change that. Yours always looks so good!
Posted by Amy
OH my! CASEY? CAAAASEY! Emmulsification is SO much easier to achieve with a BRAND NEW HAND MIXER!!!
(How am I doing Clare?)
Posted by Jo
Oh yum. You cannot beat seared salmon for taste and texture sensation... mmm... =)
Posted by AugustusGloop
Hi Amy you so have to! Fennel is great!
Hi Jo
your doing great *grin*
I couldn't agree more!
Posted by clare eats
I think the only way I'm going to try fennel is if I grow it myself. I always go for it at the store with the best intentions but the price puts me off every time. I wish I agreed with you regarding the salmon... =o( I must have eaten to much at some point and I just don't care for it any longer. I do adore halibut, bass, trout, catfish. OH, have any of you ever tried parrot fish? They have tons of it at the Golden Phoenix, and it's a beautiful fish, but how is it on the plate?
Posted by Jo
Look at you whipping our yummy delights on the new stove!!
That looks really great and I have to agree fennel is marvelous.
Congrats on the new stove.
Posted by wendy
then grow it yourself! It can be exe here when not fully in season but when it is in season it is cheap.
Never had parrotfish but I know they are supposed to be good :)
Posted by clare eats
Hi Wendy
That is so sweet! Thanks :) Isn't fennel great?
Posted by clare eats
Everything sounds wonderful, even the fennel. I'm not a fan of it but the bits peeking out from the salmon look good.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo
They were great I promise ;)
Posted by clare eats
Funny thing, though I love fish, I like salmon two ways - either smoked or as sashimi...don't know why... BTW if the Parrotfish is Uhu - it's soooo good steamed - I'm sure Reid will agree!
Posted by Kirk
hi clare, see you're having a ball breaking in that new stove/oven ;) salmon looks perfectly cooked, can't wait to see what else you'll get up to...cheers,j
Posted by J
Hi J
Thanks so much, you are so sweet!
Posted by clare eats
Uhu? What does that mean? It's the parrotfish I showed you at GP. Was that uhu?
Posted by Jo
Everything looks wonderful. I love fennel but have only used it raw. Now I have a new way to try it. Thanks
Posted by Ruth
So when are you going to move out here and become my personal chef? : ) (You can bring your cute new stove. . .)
Posted by farmgirl
Hi Ruth
Cooked fennel is fantastic! you can dice it finely and saute it for casseroles, risottos, soups etc as well ;)
Hi fG
ooh that would be fun! cookin with you :)
ahhh only if I can cook in your new bread oven whilst receiving bread making tips from the bread goddess herself!
Posted by clare eats
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