WCB 12

Cat food bloggers unite every weekend and share photos of your gorgeous kitties with us!
If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!
Literary Cat Quote: " It is a very annoying habit of kittens ( Alice had once made the remark ) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr." Lewis Carroll
Look at Kiri, eating his grass in his lovely new outside area... which he loves mind you. He is so funny when he chews on something be it cardboard, grass or your hand he gets this look of intense concentration on his face, too cute!
Last night I had a terrible experiance though, I bought some Lambs fry (liver) for Kiri, he looked at me with a look of "get that stuff away from me" and wouldn't eat it raw. So I chopped it up finely and cooked it. The SMELL! It made me sick to my stomach, I dry retched Blurgh... *shudder* it was gross, disgusting and to make it all much worse Kiri still wouldn't eat it. Then even after the smell left I still couldn't stomach the thought of the lovely scotch fillet steak I had bought for dinner. It is enough to make you a vegertarian! I told my mum, she laughed at me, what sort of a support system is that? She said why do you think I have never cooked it or made you eat it as a child. I ponder this for a moment and was so glad that this was the truth.
Check out the Bollywood edition of WCB at Masak Masak, too cute Boo!
Check out the ever ladylike Tasha at a few of my favourite things
Check out Mathides cute black kitty at Skør i Skralden
Check out Hamlet the first boy in Anne's like over at Anne's Food
Check out the hard working farm boss at Farmgrl fare
Check out Abe and Ike pinning for the outdoors at Restaurant Widow
Check out Grimalkin helping Mummy write at Tigers and Strawberries
Check out Agnes being a sweetie at Kayaksoup
Check out Jack and Miles as babies at My Adventures in the Breadbox
Check out The Cat taking over the blogoshere at Belly-Timber
Check out Tsar exploring in the fridge at Cook and Eat
Check out Gideon learning to become apart of Dagmars' family at A cat in the Kitchen
Check out Luke resting for ust a moment at Sweetnicks
Check out Mrs Beije who posed for her human pet at Pumpkin Pie Bungalow
Check out the 2 furlings over at Kitchenmage
Gorgeous - can't believe how much Kiri resembles my kitties!
Mine's up too:
Posted by cin
Hello again. I have some difficulties trying to post a comment, the page keeps refreshing - hope this will work?
Posted by Mathilde
Hi Cin
I agree, we both obviously have great taste ;)
Hi Mathilde
Sorry about the commenting problem I have included your link, If I have written anything wrong just let me know you can always email me too :)
Posted by clare eats
Aah Clare - The things we do for our "family" (that's what we call our pets)....
Posted by Kirk
Ah, that time of week again! This time, I'm showing Hamlet. Link: http://annesfood.blogspot.com/2005/08/weekend-cat-blogging-12-hamlet.html
Posted by Anne
Hi Kirk
you seem to be mistaken, Kiri is not a pet he is a "people" a higher race than us humans ;)
Hi Anne
cool I will add you now :)
Posted by clare eats
Here are my big fat kitties!
Posted by Lisa the Waitress
Hi, Clare! Here is my late post for Grimalkin
Posted by Barbara
Hi Clare, I decided to play along this week!
Here is my post :
Posted by Linda
Yay, lots of super cute cats! Here's my post:
Posted by Alice
Lots of cute Kitties!
Posted by clare eats
Yippee, so many cuties. Kiri looks like he is some taste expert as he is concentrating so hard to determine the taste of his grass when chewing.
LOL over your lamb fry story. I used to give Kits some chicken liver but I'll just boil them. Kits has a sweet tooth, just like his mummy - he loves to lick cream from my fingers. Must be fresh one of course.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo
Kiri likes cream too :)
I think chicken livers would have been a better idea... but I don't think I would be able to go through with it!
Posted by clare eats
My captors are running late, as usual, so I took it upon myself to toss up my latest portrait, followed by a short feline lament.
Posted by The Cat
Hi Cat :)
Posted by clare eats
Heya Clare!
Tsar looks just like Kiri when he chews on grass [or cardboard] and he hates eating lamb fries as well - cooked or raw.
Here's Tsar exploring the fridge:
Posted by PseudoChef
sorry for being late, but here's my entry:
Posted by Dagmar
Got mine up!
Posted by Sweetnicks
No probs guys I just added you all! I am so glad you are participating :)
Posted by clare eats
Phew, is it still the weekend? Just got mine posted.
Posted by kitchenmage
we're looking for a kitten .. thinking of checking out animal pounds and also have been looking at breeders
checked out a few breeders which were selling burmese kittens for around AUD$450 , whoa that's a lot of money isn't it *sweat*
any advice?
Posted by Tian
Hi Tian
I know..... Kiri was $400! But he was a birthday present :). We were going to get a Kitten from the cat protection society but then we thought about it some more, we really wanted a cat that we would be able to take in the car, would not mind strangers and would like walking on a lead etc... We knew that it wouldn't matter where we would get the kitten from because we would love it to death anyway, the problem is that we travel alittle and would prefer to take Kiri with us. Well it worked out perfectly, he is really friendly, happy, healthy and we are glad we spent the $400 :) I think it depends on what you need the cat to do. We drove 2 hours to my parents place, the house had my 15 people including a few rambunctious kids and Kiri had a ball. I think buying a "breed" just alows you to have a reasonable certainty about the cats behaviour. We also got to meet his mum, his dad and 2 sisters and they were all beautiful, happy and incredibly friendly which was great too!
is where we got Kiri from, but they haven't updated their site since we got Kiri.
If you need any other help just email or leave another comment, sorry I know this is long :)
Posted by clare eats
Im loving Kiri, that little grass eater. My cat used to love eating grass too, I used to buy him catgrass at the store and inevitably he would gobble it all up within the day.. cute pics!
Posted by Michele
Your kitty kat is sooo cute!
He eat an entire indoor bamboo plant, that is why he has MANY cat grasses lol. When he goes to my parents place he is a grass conisour, he tastes a bit of this grass, abit of that grass lol
Posted by clare eats
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