When I found out that my beloved homegrown, family owned Aussie Beer producing company Coopers might be going to be bought out by Lion Nathan ( a huge beer making conglomerate) I was shocked and sadened. The last big family owned company might come to an end? NOOOOOOOO ( I yelled internally). So I suppose the question, why would I care so much? Comes to mind. Well, the Cooper's Premium Pale Ale (no longer available) was the first beer I ever like (so they are responsible for ALOT!), they introduced me to the joy of brewing my own beer and they taught me that good beer is so different to bad beer! The Pale Ale is definitely my fav, so when I found out (yep I am so slow) that they had decided to reject the offer I figured Casey had to go buy a long neck (750mls) and I would make a meal to celebrate.
When I was trying to think of a food to have with beer, I thought what do you have after a long night on the piss? Hmm, Kebabs (well alot of people do). Well, that settled it, I would make a home version of kebabs (with plenty of leeway!). As far as a recipe for Pitas goes, you are just going to have to wait like everyone else for FG's post.
350 gms of Lamb Backstrap (that was the random amount the butcher gave me, it was plenty for 2)
1 tsp of cumin and coriander seeds toasted in a hot dry pan
4 cloves of garlic
1 strip of lemon rind, sliced
Pepper, salt (and I put in sechuan peppercorns too)
Grind all of this in a mortar and pestle (of mini food processor) Til you have a thick paste, add alittle olive oil to slacken the mix alittle. Rub the outside of the backstraps in the mix and leave them to Marinate.
Spicy Mayo
3 Long Chillis (but hot) Char grilled and peeled.
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of fresh coriander leaves
1 egg (free range)
1 lemon (at least )
s&p to taste
Put the chillis, garlic and coriander in a food processor and blend, when smooth the egg and blend again, add olive oil in small amounts until the mixture becomes thick, add lemon juice and S&P to taste
*note this is how I make all my mayonaises, but guestimation, they are THAT EASY)
cucumber, tomato, red onion, all diced
2 cloves of garlic
cous cous or burghul ( I had to use cous cous as I was out of burghul), hydrate according to packet instructions
1 Big handful each of sliced Mint and Parsley
1 lemon
Mix the salad together add dressing to taste.
clare, this sounds GREAT, except the mayo part, i loathe mayo. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. But I think this would be good without the mayo. I'm glad your beer isn't going anywhere. I thought you AUssi's only drank Fosters!!! LOL=) look clare, I made a face!!
Posted by Cara
Clare, it's so cute that you made a celebratory dinner when Coopers rejected the big, bad multinational!
BTW, are there any beer blogging events? I'd be keen to join if there are!
Posted by Kelly
Ouch! You, too, with the pita jabs? (I'm working on it--really. Though of course it's probably going to be like those blockbuster movies everyone hypes to death and then is letdown when they actually see it. . .) It looks like you managed to locate some, though. You've probably known all along how to make the perfect pita! : ) Actually, that entire dinner sounds pretty darn perfect to me. Yum. You know I love lamb. How do you manage to outdo yourself nearly every night, Miss Clare? : )
Posted by farmgirl
This looks delicious to me, and I really don't even eat lamb. I love the idea of serving it on tabouli. Thanks for recipe and pics!
Posted by Beth - The Zen Foodist
It would be great without the mayo :). Fosters? What is Fosters? LOL! I don't know anyone who drinks it. I am so proud of you Cara ;) (Winking)
Hi Kelly
Yeah, Coopers Rocks. Um I don't know if there is?? How about Beer Blogging Friday?
No, it wasn't a jab, I just didn't want to steal your thunder, esp since your post will be way better than mine! Lamb backstrap is long inch thick by a couple inch wide and long that is covered in sinew (butcher already removes) It is very tender as long as you dont over cook it.
Hi Beth
It was supposed to be very middle eastern
Posted by clare eats
Fosters tastes like kangaroo pi$$! Not that I've ever tasted kangaroo urine, but I think I've made my point. :-)
I LOVE Coopers! I hadn't tasted it until I started going out with my bf who grew up in Adelaide. My god, it's good stuff - and the closest thing we have to the beer you get in Europe.
Posted by NIki
Hi Niki
Very eloquently put! loveit. Love Coopers, mmmmmmm!
Posted by clare eats
now that looked like a really lip-smucking glass of beer... wish I could taste it this instant.. sigh!
Posted by eatzycath
You should keep an eye out for it, you never know! nd it isoh so refreshing@
Posted by clare eats
I've been intimidated at the thought of making my own mayo for a while now -- I don't like things that can "break." But this sounds good enough to brave it!
Posted by Catherine
Hi Catherine :)
I haven't ever had one split (touch wood). Just makesure to ad theoil slowly, give it alittle blend then add abit more. A spoon of seeded mustard in there is nice too :) Please let me know if you make it. glad you dropped by! I have been trying to thinkof something to have with your sauterne ......
Posted by clare eats
I've never heard of Coopers, but I'm in the States. A restaurant chain out here carries Shieff (sp?) stout, which I love. I think it's from Australia. I like beer so dark you can't shine a mg light through it. Our local liquor store used to carry Shieff, but it doesn't anymore. I don't want to go to that restaurant chain because the food sucks, but I sure miss that stout...
Posted by The Countess
Wow, that picture is amazing! Love it, I'm so hungry now. Tabouli and spicy mayo are my favorite sauces..besides blue cheese and sauce au poivre :)
Posted by MONA
Oh, jab all you want at FG. I am waiting for that pita post, too. (I'm doind this out of love, FG.) Looks and sounds delicious, as always, and it is killing me the way you're decoding the faces. I agree with Niki, too. Foster's sux. Never had cooper's though.
Posted by Amy
hi clare, that's definitely a cause for celebration! cheers!
Posted by J
Hi Countess
Sheif? Yep I know it :) The coopers stout is way better ;) I saw an article that said itis for sale inFinland now... so you never know ;)
Posted by clare eats
Hi Mona, I love tabouli :) the spicy mayo is great so easy to make :)
Hi Amy
I know.. can't she hurry up already :) (smiley face ) hehehhe ... pity... keep your eye out, you never know
Hi J
I recon! can you get Coopers in Singapore?
Posted by clare eats
hi clare !!
That pita looks so yummy. I am drooling just looking at it :) Your a clever cookie coming up with such a cool concoction.
Richard is happy about coopers too !
Posted by Rachel
I'll let you know how it goes! RE: Sauternes, well most people seem to think I should serve a cheese plate. Easy enough to do...but still undecided.
Posted by Catherine
Hi Rach
I like to think so hahahha! Of course Rich is LOL!
Hi Catherine
Ok Great! I can't wait to see.
Cheese plate is easy.... but necessarily *fun*, I haven't had many dessert wines which is so sad, Your Dinner and corresponding wines sounds too good! I can't wait to read about it!
Posted by clare eats
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