1, 2, Check, 1, 2. *cough* *meow* Hi this is Kiri, you might know me from my modeling photos on Clare's blog. I like to model my stripy jumper and my new ultra sexy sailor suit. Since Clare has been completly remiss, I mean I love her and all but you would have though she would have gotten her act together by now. So, she isn't going to get her act together any time soon, I felt it is my right as a fellow cat and a people to bring to attention the fellow suffering of cats and *meerrooowww* dogs over there in New Orleans. I must admit I have a cushy life here, food, water and hugs and time I want, but all those poor people, no homes, no food, missing their servants. It is so sad y'all. I know you might think I am a dumb cat, but get over it. I watch the news, I read this blog, Do you think I would let Clare put photos of me on here otherwise? Get over it already. So I would like to ask You! if you have enjoyed looking at me and the other kitty kats for WCB then I empurr you to give generously to the kitty Kats over there in New Orleans.
Here is a whole heap of non exhaustive links that Lisa (not naughty clare) managed to find *smooch* you are so sweet *smooch* *purrrmow*
Click here to donate to the ASPCA disaster relief fund.
Click here to donate to the AKC disaster relief fund.
The Houston SPCA has worked really hard to rescue pets affected and reuinte them with their companions. Click here to donate to them.
Petfinder.com is working hard to reunite pets after the hurricane. Click here to support local shelters throught their site.
Thanks, If you do, I will give Clare a huge smooch and promise not to wrap her wool all over the house..... for a day, no, hour? maybe.
And Make sure to go check out all the other bloggers who aren't as lazy as my Clare, especially Amy she rocks *smooch*

If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!
Literary Cat Quote : "A little drowsing pussy cat is an image of beatitude" Champfleury(Jules Fleury-Husson)
See Kiri on the bed spread? As soon as we were putting it on the bed, he was on it. No this is my bed, what are you looking at? lol. Hmm Probably better than his usual place, on my head! Crazy Cat!
Then, I just had to put some more photos of Kiri in his sailor suit :) I know a few of you have been admiring all week! This is Kiri all dressed up for the house inspection, he had to make a good impression. Well, they loved him of course. Isn't he a poser?
Check out Kiri fighting Kiri... actually bella and tasha having fisty cuffs at a few of my favourite things
Check out Eye contact (øjenkontakt) and rantings about a notorius bad vet named Jens (and what she can imagine to do to him with claws and teeth?) at Skør i Skralden
Check out Beowulf the Ruler Of His Domain at The Countess
Check out Alex and Macroom becoming more aquainted at Dispensing Happiness
Check out Ally cat and find out all about her at Masak-Masak
Check out Kelly the pretty princess at Anne's Food
Check out a morning in the life of Lixue the Ragamuffin princess at Look Hunny, I cooked.
Check out Yoshi and Tanuki as little kits (oh cute!!) at a cat in the kitchen
Check out The jingle ball stray at Restaurant Widow
Check out New Cat over at Farmgrl Fare
Check out Kittaya who is back! over at Mahanandi
Check out Aggie *hoping* for some eggs at Kayak Soup
Check out Opium and Vodka who are joining us from France! at Cel's Home Page
That cute kiri cat is too much. I love his new bedspread. And did you crochet that nice little blankie for him? I hope he isn't wrinkling up his sailor suit. : )
Posted by farmgirl
:) I think the bed spread looks better in person, that is the blanket my Oma crocheted for me isn't she sweet?
Look at me wink at you! I am so sexy, actually this is getting boring *yawn*! how will you feel if I smooch you?
Posted by clare eats
Here's mine: http://thehappysorceress.blogspot.com/2005/09/wcb-14-how-do-you-do.html
Posted by Stephanie
hi clare - I've never really paid much attention to cats (more a dog person) but that last pic of Kiri dozing is quite priceless... :)
Posted by eatzycath
Hi Eatzycath :)
I like both :) But too hard to have a dog at the moment....
I bet if you met Kiri and were smooched you would be converted ;)
Posted by clare eats
Awwww, Kiri looks so cute on your bed. I love the way he sleeps and gets ready for his nap with that big yawn.
I've attached my link for this weekend,it's all about ally the cat:
Posted by boo_licious
Clare, there's something wrong with Macroom/dispensing happiness's link. Think you need to amend the tag.
Posted by boo_licious
Here's Kelly!
Posted by Anne
Fixed it boo, thanks :)
I have added Boo and Anne :)
Posted by clare eats
he looks so fancy there on his floral duvet :) hes such a sleek beautiful boy!
This weekend i focused on Lixue, hope you will stop by for a peek :)
Posted by Catesa
Kiri looks so cute in the sailor suite!!!
Here's this week's post. It's old photos of Yoshi and Tanuki when they were young:
Posted by Dagmar
Hi catesa YOu are so right ;) I ALWAYS check out the other WCB's ;)
Hi Dagmar! Thanks :) I think so too =)
Posted by clare eats
I love that bedspread! And of course, Kiri is cute as always-I love his smug little face!
Here's my link for the week: http://www.restaurantwidow.com/2005/09/wcb_14_.html
Posted by Lisa the Waitress
A kittycat roundup that escaped my notice?
I must be getting old, careless, and confused.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Posted by Laurence Simon
Hi Clare.
Here is my link
Kiri looks gorgeous as always. Wonder if there is a market for cats to model clothes?...........
Posted by Linda
Hi Laurence Simon!
Glad to be apart of the neighbourhood!
Posted by clare eats
Hi Linda
I was wondering that same thing LOL!
Posted by clare eats
Hello Clare!
I love this idea of Weekend Cat Blogging and I love cooking, so I decided to join you with Opium and Vodka, my two adorable cats.
I hope my blog won't bother you, as it's all in french (and I hope my english isn't too bad!). :-)
Posted by Cel
Ooops, I forgot my permalink!!! Here it is: http://celbartolo.free.fr/./index.php?2005/09/11/57-weekend-cat-blogging
Posted by Cel
Hi Cel
I am so glad you like it!
Your english is great, I just added your link
Posted by clare eats
What Lair neglected to tell you (shy fellow that he is) is that he has a cat round-up of his own. It's called "Carnival of the Cats", and you can get news about it at This Blog is Full of Crap . BTW, Lair and wife have 3 cats of their own.
Oh, I spaced the link, so check Lair's place for Conservative Cat's festival submission form. His pet human can get you set up so people can submit weekend cat posts to you through it.
Finally; were I not adequately supplied with Hershey Kisses at the moment I'd find a way to hurt you. (Being broke at the moment helps too. :) )
Posted by Alan Kellogg
Hi Allen!
I have been added to the cat carnival too, the submission form thingy sounds like a great idea.
This kicks hershey's kisses butt.... did you see the brownies? *grin*
Posted by clare eats
Saw the brownies. God'll get you for that.
Posted by Alan Kellogg
I tried to leave a comment for you.... typepad hates me, I dont understand why but it does.
Posted by clare eats
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