How pretty are these fruit? I think they are stunning, deep rich purple outside and the white flesh. But, this does not compare to the taste which is sweet and exotic, like a taste of paradise. *sigh* When I was at paddy's markets I spied these for only $8 a kilo! So I thought a little photo essay to show of their beauty might be in order. Enjoy!
P.S. I love the flower on the bottom of the fruit and the picture in the lower left hand side, as the fruit looks like it is about to be pounced on. Ahhh!
Posted in Mangosteene, eatstuff
hi clare - we just had mangosteens last week too, and the extra I made into mangosteen sorbet!
Posted by eatzycath
mmm my dad just bought some too! cant wait to eat them!
Posted by gwenda
Oh, mangosteens taste truly gorgeous, in their very own distinctive way. Lovely site you've got here, clare. :)
Posted by Julia
Wow...I'd never even heard of them. Gorgeous fruit.
Posted by Stephanie
Nice Pic's Clare! You know i've seen mangosteens, but have never eaten one, now I guess next time I see them I'll buy a few.
Posted by Kirk
Looks like everyone is in the mangosteen mode! Just finished some last night. So sweet and yummy.
Great pictures of the mangosteen. I love the way you dissect them.
Posted by boo_licious
Mangosteens....i must find them somewhere here! Oh I am So jealous! Thanks for the photos and the post Clare. *sigh* *tear slowly drops* "mangosteens for the mangosteenless...anyone?" ;> I have not found them yet here, and Im hoping to find them soon!
Posted by Milgwimper
Eatzy cath... Mangosteene sorbet? AHHH CASEY I NEED AN ICE CREAM MAKER!!!!!!!
Hi Gwenda,
I am jealous mine are all gone and you are just about to start! *sigh* pity you can't bring any back with you!
Hi Julia!
Thanks so much :), thank you for visiting. I think Mangosteenes are very pretty.
Hi Stephanie
If you ever see them buy some! at least 1 (they might be expensive) as they are so good!!!!
Hi Kirk
You definately SHOULD!
Hi Boo
How good are they? I was only allowed to buy 2 :(
Hi Milgwimper
Thanks for visiting :) I hope you find some, perhaps you should ask Kirk?
Posted by clare eats
Well, I learned something new today. I've never heard of this fruit before. I wonder if I could get them here? I'll have to find out. Thanks, Clare!
Posted by Amy
wow, clare, those look absolutely gorgeous!!! waaah, i miss fresh mangosteens....
Posted by stef
Hi Amy!
I was wondering if you could grow them? Perhaps you should give the seeds a chance if you buy some. I meant to try and grow these seeds but casey threw them out :(
They are really yummy I hope you find them.
Hi Stef
Oh that is so sad, I would post you some if I could!
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare,
nice! I've never seen a mangosteen. Your pictures are great. Its kind of strange because it looks like a bulb of garlic inside, very interesting!
Posted by Michele
Hi Michele
If you see one of these BUY IT! They are much nicer than your crazy looking granadilla :P
I am glad you like the pictures, it is a bit of a pity because the sliced one at the top is really stunning all by it's self and I think it might be alittle lost in the collage
Posted by clare eats
clare, you can grow them but no idea how! The ones I had were yummy as they're tiny and sweet. See my mangosteen salad post as they came from my boyfriend's uncle tree so need to pay for them!
If you want the mangosteen sorbet recipe, it's on my blog, link is below for your easy reference:
I did it without an ice cream maker and it was yum. I recently saw this recipe where they serve it with blueberry compote which sounds nice.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo
I really wanted to buy enough to make your salad but the boy didn't agre grrr. But if they are still at the markets for $8 I am going to agrue hard to buy enough to make it! I am so jeaolous of your "outlaw" family mangosteene connection. ;)
Mangosteene sorbet with no ice cream maker! Wohoo!
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare,
I have never tried mangosteens because I can't find them! =(
Posted by Reid
Oh Reid that is so sad! I know you will get one sooner or later.
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare!
Mangosteens are the best, I love them. We had them for the first time on our last vacation island, they were served chilled. I'm not sure how many I ate, but they were a frequent guest on our breakfast table. I tried to get some here in Munich and was really disappointed about the poor quality. I guess I'll have to wait again...
Posted by Oliver
Hey, never heard, never seen. They sure do look interesting though. Here is a website, small but concise info. Check it out:
Posted by Jo
They are so YUMMY!
If you see one you will have to buy it!
$3.00 each makes $1.50AUD for 2 look cheap :)
Posted by clare eats
Hi Oliver
Oh that is so sad! They are normally really expensive in Sydney $14 a kilo. But generally they are good quality. I want to try and grow some, I doubt it will work but you never know! Imagine your own supply!!!!
Posted by clare eats
Does anyone know where i can get the seeds or plants for Mangosteen? I would like to grow the tree\plant in my own yard.
Yours in health
Dr. Mark Mashike
Posted by Mark Mashike
Hi Dr Mike
Where are you living?
I don't think that you are allowed to import mangosteens into america yet?
Posted by clare eats
Clare, you've done it: I'm officially very, very jealous that I can't get mangosteens over here! So sad. I've never even tasted one, much less gotten to hold that lovely shiny deep-purple globe in my hand. Someday, someday.
Posted by Molly
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