On the weekend my mother came to visit, we went to the fishmarkets for lunch. Where are the photographs? The Batteries on the camera ran out, don't worry it wasn't very special anyway. But what was good was at the delicatsen, a jar sitting on the counter with long thin multi-coloured spongy stuff inside plastic bags. I looked at them from afar, then gave them a double take ( I can spot good food stuffs from 100 paces), are they really? OMG, They are!!! I jumped up and down. They are just like the way too cute french marshmallows my gorgeous friend Michele found in Paris!!!! Whilst it isn't a huge bag of bag of pastel fluffs , I did score a long Orange Blossom flavoured Marshmallow for $2.50. Yowsers that is expensive, but sometimes you have to fork out the big ones for new experiences ;)
So how did they taste? Sweet, Soft, Tender and like Orange Blossoms. Cool. Much better than boring old vanilla ;)
mmm i love marshmallows, not very common here though. maybe a search around the shops is in order yummy
Posted by Catesa
Hi Catesa
Maybe you need to make some?
Posted by clare eats
What a fun treat. The orange flavor sounds yum! But Clare, I'm disappointed in you and your 100 paces--a true super foodie can just "feel" the presence of something yummy about a half a mile away! ; )
Posted by farmgirl
Yummy! Marshmallows always reminds me of campside fires where you toast them.
Posted by boo_licious
A marshmallow stick! now THAT I would have liked. Way to go on the splurge, now I dont feel so bad for splurging on mine :)
Posted by michele
Hi Fg
Oh... sorry I am not up to scratch :(
Hi Boo
I was thinking the same thing! I think it would make great s'mores too!!
Hi Michele
I am so sure you can find way better ones in Paris! Yours were much prettier than mine. It was good I got to use your splurge as justification for mine ;)
Posted by clare eats
Practice! Practice! Practice! Now sit still, close your eyes, and THINK CHOCOLATE!
Are you getting anything?
Posted by farmgirl
Oh that's easy.... I know there is a block of 70% and 85% lindt in the cupboard, I can feel it's presence all over the house ;) heheehheh
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare - Orange blossom marshmallows sound great - I've never or heard of those before, guess I've been deprived, or is it depraved! :o)
I like the packaging....
Posted by Kirk
Hi Kirk
Don't feel too bad, either had I til I saw them in the shop. You might think they taste a bit "girrly" :P
Posted by clare eats
I will take girly anytime if they come in orang blossom flavoured marshmallows!!! Oh that sounds so good. I need to source some NOW!!!
Posted by MIlgwimper
Is that a hint Milly? *grin*
how long can you hold out?
Posted by clare eats
The marshmallows sound very good!
Posted by Joe @ Culinary in the Desert
Hi Joe
The smell is intoxicating too!!!!
Posted by clare eats
mmmm... yummy. I wonder if you can roast those over fire? Do you do that over there, or is that a States thing? Very nice find, indeed!
Posted by Kristi
I'm not a huge marshmallow fan, save in S'mores and Rice Krispie Treats, but these do sound delectable...maybe melting around in a nice cup of hot chai?
Posted by Catherine
Well, I wouldn't want to be a "girly-man" now would I!!!!
Posted by Kirk
Haha, you are also having battery issues as well? I lost my battery to my digital camera (during a druken bachelor party night). Anyhow, I like the packaging of the marshmallows - never seen anything like this before.
Posted by Simon
Hi Kristi
We certainly do roast them over here :) I think it might be possible with a slice, I wonder if the inside would have melted everywhere?
Hi Catherins
In Chai hmmm that could work quite well!!!
Hi Kirk
:P you will always be girrly to me :)
Hi Simon
Luckily they are just AA's but they take 8 hours to recharge! *sigh* Either had I, they are french of course!
Posted by clare eats
I'm not a big marshmallow fan, but I've read that homemade ones taste astronomically better. Which are these more like?
Posted by Amy
Hi Amy
They are more like bought ones in texture, but the flavour is WAY better :)
I have made my own but not again til I get a mixer!!! :)
Posted by clare eats
ooh, posh marshmallows! irresistible...must be lovely in a mug of spiced hot chocolate...
Posted by J
Hi J
you would think I would be smart enough to have tried it... wouldn't you? *sigh*
Posted by clare eats
Wow, I didn't even know you could make marshmellows at home! How?
Posted by Cara
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