See what happens? You go to the Supermarket randomly, and there in front of me, taunting me is a box of TimTam Balls. Tim Tam What? I say, then... "Case we are buying these. Just like everything else I seem to get....just so that I can I can taste test them for all those people who can't buy them and wouldn't even know they would exist if it wasn't for me ;)
I have to say that I had high expectations for these balls. So I photograph the packet before I rip it open and tip the contents on to a plate. Hey, they look like Maltesers. I get a knife and and cut one in half. Crunchy biscuit on the inside and chocolate on the outside with a thin layer of tim tam filling. So I pickone up and crunch it, yep chocolate biscuity. After a couple more I FEEL like I have eaten a few Tim Tams. Now that is weird. They taste pretty similar too. I think they are trying to market these as being "High Class", I think they would be better to sell them at the movies.
Hi Clare,
These look interesting. Can you try to do a "slam" with one of them and let me know how it goes? =P
Sorry I haven't been around...I have your address and will be sending you a box of stuff on the next go around! =)
Posted by Reid
Hi Reid :)
See that is another problem, Slamming isnot likely to work as there isn't anything tosuck b/w if you get my drift!
Presents? Hmmm I just found out that I am moving :( only have til the 8th of October to find a new place!!!!!!! How bad is that... I will email you.
Posted by clare eats
I picked these up and put them back on 3 separate visits to the supermarket! I was afraid they would be like the Cadbury chocolate 'bites' - I've been highly disappointed by these and didn't want to risk same with Tim Tams.
Posted by Cin
Hi Cin
They are definately not a tim tam... but if you wanted a high calorie indulgance at the movies they would be good, I have a "thing" about dissasembling Tim Tams so I was sad that you can't do the same thing here.
Posted by clare eats
Okay, first of all I don't even know what a tim tam is, but even if it is some kind of cute Australian animal I don't care--I want some of those balls! (Okay, that sounded, um, wrong.) It's five o'clock in the morning here. And secondly, I think this is even more of a tease than the deep,dark brownie post--or the meat pie one. Oh great. Now I want both of those things, too. And I am certainly not going back for a peek at them! Maybe I need to go bake some cookies or something.
Posted by farmgirl
Hi Fg
Tim Tams are the store bought cookies that you Americans seem to fawn over. They are chocolate coated with chocolate filling and chocolate biccies :)
Posted by clare eats
Wow how bizare I was just up at the supermarket and almost bought some of these, hmmm I now look at getting some next time. I think you should do another afl food tribute like the pie again as the grand final is coming up soon.. mmmm pie... it was a good pie to eat too..
damn just made myself hungry.. keep up the posts, oh yeah i read that an indonesian place in randwick you should review..
Posted by itookit
Hi Chris
Being a Maltesers fan I think you would like them
Oh more pie for the GF :P LOL
Jimbaran? I have been there when we lived in Randwick... might have to make another visit.
thanks :)
Posted by clare eats
I think I disassemble EVERYTHING that I eat. I've been telling AG that I eat layer cakes layer-by-layer. Same with Tim Tams. I think I'll stick to the double coated originals...yummmmmmm....Tim Taaaammms...
Posted by Cin
Hi Cin
Me too, I eat/suck the choc off the outside the pull the biscuits apart then eat the filling the the biccies! MMMMM
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare, I posted about the tim tam balls I bought last week today as well! I think they are great. I didn't expect anything other than a tim tam taste or texture. I wouldnt mind trying the mint slice variety, so good because you have a few of them and you dont feel so guilty as wolfing down a couple of biccies!
Posted by saffron
Hi Saffron
Great Minds think alike ;)
I thought the mint slice variety might have abit more impact on the tastebuds too
yep you are right eating a few is not as bad as eating a few biccies! BUT how many will you really eat? LOL!
Posted by clare eats
oh no, don't they go soggy??? :-D
I usually nibble the chocolate off the edges, then lift the top biscuit off and eat that separately, then nibble the remaining chocolate from the outside and have the bottom half with the filling...gosh we have some strange habits. My husband cannot HELP but look at me strangely sometimes...
Okay, going over to read Saffy's take now!
Posted by Cin
No I ensure they don't go soggy.. yep we have strange habits.. nice to know we aren't alon though :)
Posted by clare eats
I agree that these should be sold at the movies - they would be perfect for some in-fil snacking. I don't think that many things with the word "balls" in the name can easily be marketed as "high class" however. =)
Posted by Nic
hehe I didn't know Tim Tams were male !!
and by the way that ball looks suspiciously like its got teeth marks on it. Are you sure you cut it in half and not bit on it?? ;)
sorry we couldnt meet up the weekend before. Are you free on sun the 9th of Oct?? By the way clare did you make it to the moon fest?
Posted by rachel
Oh Rach!!!
We have to move out BEFORE THE 8TH!!!!!!! ARGH!
no we didn't go..... sadly
It would be nice to try and catch up though :) we might have a few boxes around though! LOL
Posted by clare eats
Hi Nic
Too true... hear that arnotts???
They would be perfect for mindless eating at the movies :)
Posted by clare eats
Oh, these would be dangerous!! I really hate that Tim Tams aren't sold here, but then again my waistline kinda likes it.
Posted by Amy
It isn't all bad as I know I *could* have them any time... so I don't ;)
it would be bad if they weren't there for backup though!
Posted by clare eats
Being the lazy eater that I am, these balls will be perfect for popping straight into the mouth! :)
Posted by Julia
Hi Julia
I think that is why they will be perfect for the movies :)
Posted by clare eats
Oh my, those look evil. Do they come in dark chocolate?
Posted by mrs D
ive never tried a timtam but what i hear from Aussies there is nothing better... i think if it comes in a quantity of a few hundred kilos and is bite sized, its then the perfect movie food :)
Posted by Catesa
Hi Mrs D
The traditional Tim Tams do and in many other flavours, they do come in Mint slice, which whilst I haven't tried it sounds good.
Hi Catesa
They are suprisingly satisfying, I think it must be due to all the calories they contain!!
1 packet is 180gms :)
Posted by clare eats
I've never heard of Tim Tams. They sound like something you'd find in the kosher food section. I'll have to look around for them.
From what you've described, they sound a little bit like malted milk balls. My friends and I called them "malty balls" when we were kids back in the '60s and '70s. The cookie in the center is malt-flavored. I'd probably like Tim Tams if they were malt flavored. I still buy boxes of malty balls, and I can go through a box in less than two days. Those things are yummy. ;)
Posted by The Countess
The Tim Tam Balls sound good, especially for the movies. Now real Tim Tams...Yum. Jo says there is a place that imports them and I was lucky to receive some, but I am waiting to taste the chile version. Although I do like mint and chocolate together, so I will have to add that to my prayer list of things! LOL :>
Posted by MIlgwimper
I love TimTams.
Posted by Mariko
Hmmm timtams - might sneak a pack or two of the timtam balls while the other half is not looking when we go shopping ;)
Have you tried the blackforest and chilli chocolate timtams?
Posted by PseudoChef
Thanks for exposing me to these balls. Can I say that? Erm..nevermind. Anywhooo....having never heard of Tim Tams or their ball form, I am confident in saying I would have no problem eating them :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday!! :)
Posted by Jeff
Hi Countess
We have Maltesers too (Malt center) but these are like little ball versions of TIm Tams which are an Aussie favourite :)
Hi Milly
Is that a hint ? LOL! Mint Slice as a biscuit by it's self is alittle different. There is a chocolate biscuit with a layer of mint fondant then the whole lot is covered in dark choc. Not too bad actually ;)
You? LOL! I had nooo idea *grin*, Now if only they made Matcha flavoured ones!!!!
Hi Pseudo Chef
LOL.... good job ;)
Yep I have.. not too bad at all! Better than the tia maria flavour.
Posted by clare eats
Hi Jeff
Nice to meet you :) Gald you had a Great Birthday!!!!
You like the balls so not suprised, Everyone looovvveesss Tim Tams =)
Posted by clare eats
hi clare, how cute is that?! i adore tim tams and these sound, as you say, the perfect movie-snack
Posted by J
Hi J
They are cute :) Not as cute as the gorgeous creations you make though!!!! :) I might have to test their movie suitability ;)
Posted by clare eats
Cool stuff! I love Tim Tams too and these balls sound great. Hey, I read you are shifting? I hope it's somewhere you get a great oven as you were just getting in the groove with this new one you got.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo
I am still in denial. If it isn't qny good I might just have to do a sneaky swap ;)
Posted by clare eats
I am not hinting at anything but if you have this over whelming desire to send I will not turn you down! LOL ;P PPPBBHHT! ;D *wink* Hmm, so the mint slice is different than the regualr tim tams. Now I am really curious. I am not a big fondant fan but it does sound interesting!
Posted by MIlgwimper
You are definately on my too send to list ;)
SO I will make a note more tim tams, mint slice and orange blossom marshmallows and guava juice ;)
Posted by clare eats
Well thank you! You are on my send list too. Although so far I have butterscotch chips. So I think Clare you better think hard on what you want! LOL :D I mean I can send you 10 lbs of the stuff but I am sure you would like something other than that! LOL
Posted by MIlgwimper
you are sweet milly :)
Posted by clare eats
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