Thursday, November 03, 2005

WCB 22 - Boos house!

It might look like Kiri as asking nicely to go play outside, but this is what he wanted you to see. As soon as I picked up the camera he was sitting nicely at the door. Just before this he was jumping up trying to open the door. Yes, he can open the slding door if it is only open a little bit. Freak LOL....

Well, I hope he is a good puss cat this weekend as he is staying with his fraternal grandparents, sans parents. For some reason this sets my heart a shaking. I hope nothing bad happens. I think my mum is excited about him trying to sleep on her head. If only she knew LOL. hehehe

If you want to leave your wcb post please go visit Boo, as she is the keeper of the WCB flame for this weekend. Just think how nice it will be for the puss cats to go on hols in KL! Lucky puss cats.
Thanks heaps Boo & Boo I know you will both do a fabulous job :)

1 comment:

boo_licious said...

I wish all the kitties could come visit. Think of all the fun plus screeches we will hear when they all get together. Hope Kiri enjoys himself at your mum's place.

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