If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!
If you would like to participate in WDB 10 (Weekend Dog Blogging) please go visit the lovely Sweetnicks and send her an email!
If you would like yo participate in WHB 7 (Weekend Herb Blogging) please Visit the lovely Kalyn

In the background is a bunch of peonies that my mum brought me, I wish they would grow here, they are so beatiful and the smell is unbelivable good.
I am much better, except that my left arm is a bit swollen where they gave me all the nasty drugs (boo hiss) .
I would like to thank Boo and Boo for the fabulous job they did in looking after WCB for me and the K man.
Hopefully , since I am feeling better I will get back to my regular blogging schedule!
Check out Rima and Nala and the beautiful daisys, thanks that is so sweet :) at Les Carnets de sbmarie
Check out Squirt picking his dinner out from the self serve tank at slowly she turned
Check out Sams special one off french kittys edition at BecksnPosh
Check out Agnes in the laundry ( a cat's special place ;) ) at Kayak soup
Check out Butterscotch failing asleep after a hard days work at Mensa Barbie
Check out Gigolo Kitty as he talks about his early chrissie pressie at Gigolokitty
Check out Dandel and see what a nice Kitty she is at Tigers and Strawberries
Check out Ike and his beautiful vent :) at Restaruant Widow
Check out Lucky playing with his favourite toy at The Countess
Check out Boo who has a serious plea for someone to help her enusre her house remains new kitten free, so if you live in Malaysia help her out! at Masak Masak
Check out Kelly, such a beautiful kitty and give your congrats to Glinda for her Birthday! at Anne's Food
Check out Gabriels extra long, extra fluffy tail at Middle Fork
Check out Miss Kitty welcoming me back at Culinary in the Desert
Check out Bussi performing an impression of a whirrling deverish at Basic Juice
Check out the cute little story featuring Bella and Tasha and don't forget the peonies at A few of my favourite things
Check out J2 retiring to the cat cabin for the winter at Farmgirl Fare
Check out Joey a poor departed kitty who was rescued by Stalking the Waiter
Check out Xannon and Marlin playing outside at Heather's Space
Check out Max the hammer at Passionatenonchelance
Check out The King as he pears down on his servants at Bunny Foot
Check out the growing kitty Macroom as he hide's in boxes at Dispensing Happiness
Check out the new kitty 'Sugar' in Sweetnicks life, congrats she is soooo cute!
Check out at Maggie and Wellington welcoming me back at Modern Girls Kitchen
Rima and Nala are so happy to see you both at home and happy :) Very cute nest Kiri has!
The two furry Parisiennes have flowers ready for Kiri and Clare at Les carnets de sbmarie http://sbmarie.over-blog.com/article-1222644.html
Posted by sbmarie
Okay, not only have you put our ugly blue cat condo to shame with your ultra sexy animal print cool shaped one, but Joe and I both want to know just how on earth you can have a dainty musical instrument and a vase of flowers next to a CAT! Or even in the SAME HOUSE as the cat!
Posted by farmgirl
What Farmgirl said. In our house, those flowers wouldn't last five minutes!
Squirt checks out what's for dinner (hopefully) at
The fish just grew big enough this week that he realized that they were there!
Posted by Laurie
Clare, darling, I hope you are continuing to get much better. This is my special one-off entry into WCB just for you. Sorry it is a week late.
Posted by sam
Hi Clare,
Kiri does have the best house! Glad that both you and he are doing well.
Here is mine for the week.
Posted by Linda
.."Weekend Cat Blogging" at: Eat Stuff!
Permilink: http://mensa-barbie.blogspot.com/2005/11/long-day-on-set.html
Post Title: A Long Day on the Set
Excerpt: After a busy day shooting the re-make of Frantisek Vlacil's, "White Dove"...
Personal Note: Oh-my..(Butterscotch (Boy) adores little "Clare, there.")
Posted by mensa barbie
Glad to know everyone is doing well! That cat condo looks fabulous. Gigolokitty might have asked for one for Christmas but right now he is positively shattered by the early Christmas Gift sent by Santa.
Posted by Gigolo Kitty
Minna was our flower-eater, so the flowers would make it. And actually, Zak has his shakuhachi and Native American flutes and bamboo flutes out all the time, and guitars and didges and harps and drums--and thus far the cats have not destroyed anything.
Glad to hear you are on the mend!
Posted by Barbara Fisher
Clare - I am so glad to hear you are back. What a horrid way to spend the week! I know it isn't the same thing, but I had cat scratch fever once, and the anitbiotics I had to take (Cipro, what they give you when you encounter Anthrax) made me SO sick. I don't envy you at all, but I'm glad you came through.
Here's mine for the week:
Posted by lisa the waitress
Hey, Clare, Lucky's playing with his favorite toy, and he wants to know if Kiri can come out and play? Here's the link.
Posted by The Countess
Auntie Clare, you are back! I am so happy. Big sloppy smooches for Kiri who has such a nice bed. Here is my WCB post for this weekend, do adopt this kitty as I don't want to share my life with it!
P/s I enjoyed hosting WCB so no problems as long as you and Kiri gets better.
Posted by boo_licious
Here's Kelly, sharing some of the limelight.. although it's actually Glinda's birthday today!
Posted by Anne
Looks a lot like my cat :D So cute :)
Posted by Lee
Alright, So happy you're doing better! This week recovered a long lost photo of Gabriel's Extra Long Tail although to be perfectly honest, he has twice been deposed for the Extra Long Tail Crown, but the photo was named betfore the qulaity fell off, so what the heck. Here's a b&w version I made for the comment/entice/links-to-carnivals-et-al post at Far Cartouche. Moments from now WCB-24 will be mentioned too!
Posted by the Robot Vegetable
Woo! Welcome back to WCB Clare!
Posted by Joe
welcome back to WCB!
Posted by Cin
Hi Clare,
So glad you are doing better. Take care of yourself.
Posted by Kalyn
Glad you're feeling more the thing, Clare. Hope I'm not too late for WCB. Here's my entry:
Posted by B'gina
We are checking in a bit late for the Weekend Cat Blogging posts but Xannon and Marlin playing are finally here...
our permalink
and "Heather's Space" link
Thank you for hosting us Clare! So glad you have returned safe and sound and sliding back into the routine!
I had a cat bite once and I remember how nasty it was. I was not put in the hospital for it thankfully, but its a "NO FUN" trip!
*huggles from Texas, USA*
Posted by Heather
I'm late too, this was just too cute!
Posted by aria
the bunnyfoot is glad you're feeling better:
Posted by rae
Hi Clare!
Late, but still here; it's Macroom and his hiding place.
Hi Clare!
Late, but still here: Macroom's hiding place.
Posted by Stephanie
Hi Clare,
Glad you and Kiri are getting back into your normal routine. And I love peonies too. I didn't know they didn't grow in Australia. Huh. Anyway, welcome back once again!
Posted by kristi
Hi Clare -- WELCOME BACK!!!!! Wellington (better known as Wellie) sends his love and purrs and, of course, a standing offer to come down under to hang out with Kiri!
Here's the link to his rather sophisticated portrait...
Glad you are back!
Emma at moderngirlskitchen
Posted by emma
Hi! Love the idea of Weekend cat blogging! Here is a link to my blog:
Posted by ME
Hi I liked your blog..Keep up the good work
Posted by Sunkiran
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