Ok, it is time for a whinge..... my hand hurts *sob* *sob* *sob*. The only good thing about that of course is that Casey washes dishes and listens to me in the Kitchen ;) hmmm, I wonder how long my hand will hurt for? (just kidding baby, when you read this xxxx you did a great job)
The whole plan for the dinner was to make something that I knew Casey would enjoy, and since I know of his undying love of potatoes I was fully understanding that they would have to play a major part in the meal! ( he would probably prefer mashed... but you can't let a boy have EVERYTHING he wants now can you?)
I liked how this all worked out, I got to chose the ingrediants, the cooking methods, the flavourings and do the work I was "capable" of with out any of the dirty work.... like scrubbing unwashed potatoes ;)
The whole meal worked out so well, I knew I would just have to post it, esp since the pork chop marinade was much better that I could have hoped for. But mainly, it was a simple meal that was very satisfying, perfect for the cool snap we have been experiencing in Sydney and the cooler weather that the Northern Hemisphere is putting up with as well. ( ha ha :P)
The pork chops were marinaded in a handful of fennel fronds (from a fennel bulb , sub in dill), 1 dsp of mustard, 1 dsp capers, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. All of this is finely chopped together and rubbed on the chops which were chargrilled ( or how ever you prefer).
The vegetable consisted of Kipfler potatoes ( I like there waxiness and flavour) 1 fennel, 1 red onion and a few zucchini, all coursley choped into similar sized pieces baked at 220C with some rosemary, garlic cloves, salt, pepper and olive oil. Roasted til tender and golden brown.
This whole meal was perfectly suited to a Jacobs Creek Sparkling Rose... :)
So, why not take a leaf from my book? Take a week off in hospital and having your loved one help prepare all your meals.... to your wishes! (not too bad a deal I say :) ) ha ha ha ha
I also want to thank everyone for there continuing wishes for my good health.... It helps immensly to know that people are thinking such good thoughts for you :)
I would like to thank Cathy for the lovely get well card I received in the post yesterday, it was sooo sweet and cute and cheered me up immensly, and was a huge suprise! XXXXX
This does really look delicious. Luckily I have to teach metric in 4th grade math. America is so slow to convert to that system. I tell my students it's a conspiracy by
American businessmen.
Posted by Kalyn
That is a good deal! How nice for you, and Casey is SO racking up the good boyfriend points, LOL. That meal looks delicious and perfect for our cool weather, too. I love rosemary.
Posted by amy
Wow, back in "action" so quickly? Really good to have you back! :o)
Posted by Kirk
hey Clare, glad to have you back and cooking again. What a nice girlfriend you are making the man his favourite potatoes! you are a trooper my dear! The pics look yummy ;)
Posted by michele
Looks yummy. I've really become fond of fennel in the last few years.
Keep an eye on your sore hand. The infection can "hide" in places like wrist bones and flare up later. Very painful, as I can attest from firsthand experience.
Take care!
Posted by B'gina
BACTRABAN the stuff is amazing! We need a prescription to get it here. I had my pediatrician give me one so I could get a fresh tube before we lost our insurance! Good show for Casey to be pitching in when needed. I understand the love of mash, when you're a bit better, you'll have to indulge him all the way... ::smiles with sweet innocence::
Posted by Jo
it nice to see you posting, and such a sweet post for Casey. :) Take things easy, as the previous poster has suggested it can flare again. HUGZ Take care of yourself and it's nice to read a post from you!
Posted by milgwimper
Welcome back to food blogging Clare. I've been away and missed all the drama of your accident so belated get well wishes.
Posted by barbara
hi clare, really hope you are feeling much better...glad to see you're back in the swing of things...
Posted by J
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