The wrong ingrediants? I am sure you all think I have lost my mind, well if you hadn't already come to that opinion :P So what's behind all of this then? Well, it is a little bit of a sad story actually and I am still annoyed about it!
In Sydney near Central Station at Haymarket on Thursdays to Sundays Paddy's Markets is run. Most of the market consists of the usual market gear, clothes, bags, shoes, etc. The other portion has fresh fruit, veggies and fish. The produce in the food section of the markets is generally cheaper and fresher than anywhere else in Sydney.
It can get very packed and noisy, especially since the men sing out "chepa, Cheapa" (Now some of my friends are polish and they can't help laughing eveytime they here this, LOL!) .
The only reason we hadn't been veggie shopping here more often lately is because it isn't the easiest place to park for, although we have a secret location ;) but it can still be quite a walk with a load of veggies!
So we did our veggie shoppping and decided to get some fish for us and Kiri. We walk around and spy some really nice fresh prawns for a whol $8 a kilo. Wow that is CHEAP! So we decide to make a Prawn salad, get some boneless fish fillet for Kiri and 1/2 a kilo of red fish so we could make a Fish soup with the prawn stock. Well, I don't know about you but I was excited.
Anyway to make an already long story alittle shorter: Cut to much later that night I start to make dinner, Chopping fresh garlic, chilli galangal etc for the Thai Prawn Salad I was salivating for. Casey offers to peel the prawns for me, he opens the bag, red fish and baby octopus! WTF??? Where are MY PRAWNS I cry. We realised that the slightly flustered fish boy had been completely confused and given us the WRONG ORDER! ........ Well I promise I wont get abusive... so I quickly came up with a new plan that just involved swapping the prawns for some octopus.
Well it looks good right? But it wasn't the prawn salad I had been salivating over all day. Oh well you cant have it all the time right? So what's the moral? CHECK YOUR ORDER BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Geeze I am not going to let them get away with that next time. Grrr
But just wait for tomorrow when I post the Fish Pie we made with the red fish *drool*
Posted in Paddy's Markets, Shopping, Morals, eatstuff
Oh no, poor clare but never mind the octopus salad looks yum.
I never knew Paddy's Mkt has food for sale, I only remember knick knacks when I was there.
just back from wolumla pub packed on a tuesday night, I think i like octupus more than prawns, so that looks ok to me
Hi Boo
Yeah it was good. But not what I had been hoping for all day :(
The food is at the back of the markets away from China town at dixon st.
Hi Dave,
oh so jealous.... no prawns are better than octopus!
Hi Amy
Thanks so much
The problem with the octopus is that I cant cook it hot enough grrr, stooopid oven (with might be getting fixed soon! if it does I am going to have a BAKING EXTRAVAGANZA!) so the octopus isn't quite as tender as it should be.
I made the salad the same as I would have other wise...
if anyone wants the recipe (for prawns) then just let me know :)
Oh you are going to LOVE THE FISH PIE!
Clare - Don't you hate when they screw up like that! Though that salad does look yummy.
Posted by Kirk
Hi Kirk
it makes me so mad. Especially when it is to late to anything about it, it is a dodgy stall so how are you going to prove anything? And when you need to eat what they have given you, grrrr
But the salad was good, the rice was great too, it was coconut rice mmmmmm
Posted by clare eats
Wow, I guess I must be the only person who has never eaten (and never intends to eat) octopus! You all sure are brave. I would have had to make myself a peanut butter sandwich for dinner! : )
Posted by farmgirl
Really? When they are cooked hot and quick and served with chilli they can be really good!(Alot like calamari) I can't quite get them hot enough... I could have on the BBQ if I had of had warning though. grrrr
I have always loved seafood!
As a kid my second cousin taught me to eat rock oysters straight off the rocks... that was it... I was HOOKED!
Posted by clare eats
ummm.. I'm not crazy about octopus, I prefer squid. I'm with you on the let down though. Spending all day dreaming prawns and getting stuck with octopus? I just hope you paid the octopus price rather than the prawn price! I must say, suddenly I want some fried squid...
Posted by Jo
We paid for the redfish prawns and fish for kiri and only got octopus and redfish. Not Happy!
Posted by clare eats
Very good Clare, you made the best of a not so bad situation!!!!Salad looks wonderful, but I think I would prefer the prawns, I guess you will have to make the prawn salad next week. A craving never doesn't go away untill you satisfy it!!
P.S. I like the new comment setup.
Posted by Cara
Okay, since I don't ever want to eat octopus, squid, raw oysters off the rock, and various other slimy creatures (like snails), I am starting to feel like a bit of a food wussy. So, I want it to be known that I have eaten (AND enjoyed)--drumroll please--SQUIRREL! Local delicacy! Fried, of course. Now I think that should definitely count for something! : )
Posted by farmgirl
Hi Cara
Hmm I might just have to make the prawn salad if they are so cheap again.
Glad you like the new comment system!
Dont for get to start your own blog now ;)
UM YES! farm grl
That makes it in the weird food try out list LOL
good bad or ugly?
Posted by clare eats
sorry for the double negative!!
Posted by Cara
Oh,yeah. Squirrel definitely gets in.
Posted by Amy
lol Cara ... :)
Hi Amy
4 sure!
Posted by clare eats
Are y'all making fun of me and my fried squirrel? It tasted like chicken. : ) Actually it was really good, but what isn't when you fry it up in homemade lard? The best is wild venison!
Posted by farmgirl
Amy and I making fun of you, farmgrl? Nooo :P
My cousin used to have a deer farm, there vernison was good! I have never had wild though.
Posted by clare eats
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