If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!
If you would like to participate in WDB 5 (Weekend Dog Blogging) please go visit the lovely Sweetnicks and send her an email!
Hi this is Kiri, all of you lovely people out there in the blogging world who like to look at me and my fellow cute kitties need to think about our wild compatriots. No, not just our poor feral cousins. But our big cat bretheran. Like the Mountaion lion in America. Everyone likes to keep pet cats and dogs but neglects our big brothers and sisters. I urge you as caring animal lovers to help fight the slaughter of the big cats. But really they don't just need to not be shot, they need somewhere safe to raise their kittens, play and hunt, with out fear. It is not only the yummy birds and cutsie small mammals that need to be protected, it is the big beautiful predators that help structure the animal community that need your protection.
I urge you to help by donating money to a worthy cause for people who do fight on my cous's behalf like the Moutain Lion Federation if you want to donate money go here.
But please speak out about the Lion slaughter that they want to start in Oregon, where they
plan to kill 782 cougars per year for the next five years, and specifically target females. Think of all the poor cubs who will be left motherless.... then look at your own pet kitty and think about what makes you love them.... then consider how similar they are except these guys get to live free .
I would like to thank Catherine, the kitty lover from Food Musings for letting me know about this *smooch*
If you do make a donation let me know, as I would like to keep a running WCB tally, I am going to be talking to my parents about the donation they are about to make.
THE WCB19 donation count is at $20!!!!
Check out The Gigolo Kitty writing his memoirs . He has gotten into trouble with a former flame though at Gigolo Kitty
Check out Boo who has taken oven Masak-Masak from her nickname stealing mommy
Check out Nala taste testing her mummy's cooking at Les Carnets de sbmarie
Check out the other cute blue kitties and their paper bag at A few of my favourite things
Check out Jazz and Lixue 2 big beautiful fluff cats at Look Honey, I cooked
Check up on the poor sick Minnaloushe, we all hope she is better soon at Tigers & Strawberries
Check out Keep your fingers crossed for her and Lenas Kitty's who are going to the show at Annes Food
Check out Miss White Kitty goosing Miss Black Kitty at Bunnyfoot
Check out Salsa, the beautiful Birman, she has such a hard life at Papilles et Pupilles
Check out Macroom being carried sooo undignifiedly at Dispensing Happiness
Check out Charlotte the new Kitty in da house at My Adventures in the Breadbox *Cute Kitten Warning*
Check out Houdini who wants a slice of the Middle Fork Bithday cake!
Check out New cat having a rest on FG's car at FarmgirlFare
Check out the serious case of Cattitude going on at Belly-Timber!
Check out Daisy and the v.cool grad present at Knife Skills
Check out Huggy and Stella the v.cute Kitten at ghettocracklins
Check out Kittaya helping his mum in the Kitchen at Mahanandi
Check out the cute furling and help her find a name Kitchenmage* Cute Kitten Warning*
Check out Miss Domino the WCB foster kitty at FG's :)
Wow Kiri is definitely athletic!
I introduce Nala in my WCB 19 at "Les Carnets de Marie" from Paris
Posted by Marie, Paris
Kiri is one energetic kitty! Clare, I hope you are nice and settled in your new home. Off topic: I just finished reading "The Hungry Tide" and really enjoyed it...thanks so much for telling me about this book :)
Posted by Anonymous
Great post. Kiri, thanks for bringing up such an important subject. But you appear to be a little perturbed today. . . are you trapped? : )
Posted by farmgirl
Kiri certainly is ambitious!
And I'm glad you brought up the mountain lions, Claire. I would like to think that there are better solutions.
Posted by Nic
Happy to see Kiri back, Clare.
wow what a little star climber Kiri is! He can come over to visit his friend Jazz & Lixue , they are just lounging on the table :)
Posted by Catesa
Hi Marie
You have no idea, if I could only capture on film Kiri's acrobatics I would make a fortune on Funniest home vidoes LOL
Hi Nupur
Almost settled, just a few boxes left :) and feeling much better! Kiri is sooooo muscley!
I am so glad you liked the book :) such a great story
Hi Fg
I scared Kiri and he went into fright cat pose very cute :) I just put the flyscreen up. I am worried though as I think he mave have opened the door, he has already figured out how to open the laundry door.. luckily it is the only one with a lever handle.
Hi Nic
Oh that is ezy peaxy for Kiri LOL
Hi Indira
Kiri is happy to be back.... almost as much as me!
Hi Cin
Settling in well! I think I might even get a garden YAY!
Posted by clare eats
i could resist no longer...
Oupsssss, I'm late.
Have a good day
Posted by PapillesPupilles
Hi Clare!
Macroom and I are back this weekend; nice to see things are settling down at your place!
Posted by Stephanie
If this makes it easier... here
Kiri sure is cute...as always.
This is a special wcb for me, as I get to introduce the newest member of our household...Charlotte. Here's my link:
Posted by Alice
Middle-Fork celebrated its first birthday yesterday - here's Houdini checking out the cake
Posted by the Robot Vegetable
Hi Clare,
Here's my WCB link to New Cat lounging on the roof of my car at Farmgirl Fare
Hope Kiri hasn't torn the ceiling down yet. : )
Posted by farmgirl
Hey Kiri,
The Cat here. I'm late, but I've got Cattitude.
Posted by mrs D
My first time weekend cat blogging. My cat Daisy playing in the kitchenaid mixer box.
Posted by Christine
Kiri must keep things very interesting around your house! That cat can climb!
This is my first weekend cat blogging too:
Posted by Katie Carter
Hi Miss C,
A new entry has been added at Farmgirl Fare!
The lovely (and slim) Miss Domino, our Farmgirl Fare Foster Blog Cat
Posted by farmgirl
hi Clare, im glad to see that Kiri is settling in, or perhaps he's trying to escape? :) Either way, he looks like he's having a heck of a good time!
Posted by michele
Gak! What are you feeding that cat? Some sort of weird anti-gravity food?
My furling, still unnamed, is here.
Posted by kitchenmage
Another great shots of Kiri!
Hey Clare, kudos to you for using Eat Stuff to advertise a worthy cause. You should read the book Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. It's a novel, but a large portion of it discusses why killing off predators is a bad, bad idea.
Posted by amy
Hi Michele
KIRI LOVES to jump LOL and wear his harness... but that is a whole nother post...
Hi Keiko
Hi Amy
That sounds like a great book! I have read a book called Wild America which focuses on the failure of America to care for the wolf, and how the wildlife department instead of caring for them focuses on killing them. So SAD!
Posted by clare eats
Thanks, Clare, and the mountain lion kitties say "meow" too!
Posted by Catherine
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