(Baby Possum eats apple on my parent's back verandah)
Wow, Oh my WOW!!!!!!!!
All I can say at the moment is THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
All of you wonderful people, the 85 comments and the posts *sob* (tears of thanks) I am completely awe struck and so happy that I know such a wonderful bunch of people. When I was in hospital and Casey suprised me with the pages and pages of comments I was shocked and so happy! It definatley made my time so much better, I think I read them about four times each day and I showed them to EVERYONE!
Well I guess you want real news huh?
First up, I think you need to know that I NEVER EVER EVER considered putting Kiri down.... and I gave EVIL looks to anyone that dared suggested it...... the guy that took his dog for a run not on a leash, maybe.... but not Kiri, ever.
So yep, Casey was right. A big mean doggy ran up and scared Kiri. He completely freaked out and bit me.... 32 times on the thumb side of my wrist over top of the joint. I didn't really notice at first until I ran inside, Kiri let go and I had stuck my had under the tap. That is when I noticed all of the holes and all of the blood that was running down the sink (I don't think it was quite a pint though Mc Auliflower LOL). At this point I was still not quite thinking right and Casey was runnin around freaking out about the blood, it was everywhere. Out the front, down the hall, down my jeans, in my toes, on Kiri's faces and body (he looked like a horror story), his leash is still caked. Kiri was hiding in the laundry and shaking.
At this point, we were very lucky that my Mum called and said to drive for the hour and a bit to their house. I walked inside, she saw my hand and said I was going to Casualty (Emergency). I thought, they will give me a tetanus shot and send me on my way. Well not quite, I got the shot but also 2 different antibiotics I.V. and told to come in the next night. I woke up at 5 am sooooo thirsty and like I would puke, I walked around outside til my parents woke up, and couldn't eat or drink, my hand was swollen and there was pus already. My mum said i'll be fine (sure...)(She has been an RN for 40 years), she gave me some anti nausea drugs and I fell asleep. I slept for 5 hours, woke up felt better ate and drank alittle then felt ill again. I went back to Casulty the doctor looked at me and said I was being Admitted. I was in shock, this began my week in hospital. It was pretty crazy, I never really considered myself as "ill", but I really didn't feel to well.
One thing I sure do know is that.... hospital food is HORRIBLE, INEDIBLE, TASTELESS :P :P :P So much good food which was ruined. To give you an idea, I had my arm in a sling and a drip in my other bicep, my sister was feeding me and gave me some mashed potato, "mashed potatoes have to be edible". I shuddered. She took a spoonfull and laughed and laughed and laughed, she said it was crunchy...... LOL
I came home on friday, but my parents internet connection sucks, and is unusable. Plus I couldn't type, this is actully pretty sore right now... but I couldn't wait any longer.
So how is Kiri? Oh he is soooo fine, when I came home, he saw me, I picked him up and he rubbed his face on mine about a hundred times, I put him down he jumped back up, I walked anywhere and he followed, I sat down he was on my lap smooching me. So I guess you can say he missed me :) That was so nice :) I think my parents are glad that he is gone though LOL.. and their cats even happier.
Thank you all again, for the get well wishes. I think they really did work as once I started to improve I got better very quickly XXXXXXXX
Yippee! Yippee! Yippee! YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!! Now go rest that arm after typing all the news. But first, tell us what that adorable critter in the picture is please! : )
P.S. YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
P.P.S. Woohoo! I'm first! : )
Posted by farmgirl
so happy you are back and in such good spirits. And I don't even mind settling for being a lowly second commenter after farmgirl who did so much to rally the troops whilst you were away.
love always, sam x
Posted by sam
Yeah so so glad that you are home. What a crazy story.
Is Casey going to make you a fabulous meal with cake since you missed out on the wedding one. :) (No pressure casey)
YAYAYAYAY! All those positive thoughts, prayers and vibes -- and your wonderful "I am gonna get thur this" attitude did the job! Am so glad to see you are home safe and sound!!
*huggles from Texas, USA*
Posted by Heather
WE are soo happy to have you back :) Hugs to Kiri!!
Posted by Jeff
Whoopee!(Since Farmgirl has taken over Yippee!) Clare is back and we are all so glad that you are fine.
Posted by boo_licious
Very nice to hear you're home and well. Don't use that arm too much just yet! Give Kiri a big hug for me, too.
Posted by chronicler
So glad to hear you back and beginning to heal. Getting home to some "real" food will certainly help.
Posted by Sweetnicks
We haven't met yet. I am Shelli and I have 2 kitties named Tigger and Libby. I joined WCB while you were away. I am so glad you are feeling better and are home. I am also glad that you didn't put that beautiful cat, Kiri, down. He is just gorgeous. I am sure he was loving you up because he not only missed you, but he was feeling soooo sorry! God bless and get well!
Posted by Shelli
Hi Clare - Welcome back; nice to know that you're on the road to recovery.I'm also glad Kiri and Casey are doing okay as well.
I am so, so glad you're back! What a horrific experience for both you and Kiri. I'm glad you're out of the hospital (and yes, hospital food is horrendous) and back at home, and that you and Kiri are back together again. Whoo-Hoo!
Posted by Kristi
I'm so happy you're back, Clare! And that you and Kiri are doing well...we all missed you.
Posted by Stephanie
I am do glad you are back and are doing well!
It must be good to be home--now go and rest, and we can all wait for you to be fully recovered before hearing more from your world.
Give Kiri lots of extra cuddles!
Posted by Barbara Fisher
Welcome back, Clare! It has not been the same without you. Don't try to make up for lost time and overdo it with the typing!! When you are completely healed and able to type better, we will still be here. :) Missed you, Cybergrl.
Posted by amy
Welcome home, Clare!
We all missed you and are happy that you are okay!
Posted by Farmgirl's Mum
So nice to hear that you are home and doing ok. It was quite inspiring how all the bloggers rallied to send support.
Posted by Kalyn
hey Clare! welcome back, im so very happy that you are ok and back home to Casey and Kiri. You were greatly missed and worried about!
Posted by michele
Hey hey! So glad you are on the road to recovery and looking forward to you getting back into routine as you heal out!
*huggles from Texas, USA*
Claire, I'm so glad that you're home and feeling better! I can just imagine little Kiri fawning over you when you got home, a happy ending to a wacky week.
Posted by Dawn
Posted by escargot gourmand
Thank goodness you are finally home, and well on the way to recovery. It's good to see a post from you again!
Posted by s'kat
Yay...glad to hear the good news!
Posted by Alice
I'm so glad you're back home and that both you and Kiri have gotten over the trauma. My comment to your original post seems to have got lost, but Matty and Fitzy sent their best wishes
Posted by Lyn
so glad to hear that you are back and doing good. take care and enjoy being able to eat non-hospital food :)
Posted by stef
Glad you're almost all better Clare. So glad that Kiri is okay too. The Carter Family Animals here in California were worried about you!
Clare, so happy to hear you ar back and recovering nicely!
Posted by linda
so glad you're feeling better and finally reuinted with kitty!
Posted by rae
Welcome back! It is good to hear that you are getting better!
Posted by Rosa
Welcome home, Clare! Hope your hand continuew to heal quickly.
Posted by Cin
Hello, Clare. I am new around food blogdom but I'd seen you mentioned on a few sites around regarding your kitty mishap. I wanted to drop in to let you know that I hope you get better soon. I've been enjoying your archives and look forward to reading more of you. :)
Posted by Nerissa
glad to hear that! :DDD
Posted by batsydoodles
I'm so glad to hear that you're alright and see you back, blogging again Clare! I know we all missed you!
Posted by Nic
Welcome home and welcome back! So glad all is well with both you and Kiri!
Posted by Cathy
So glad to see you back! :) We missed you Clare!
Posted by Nupur
Hurrah!!! I am so happy for you to be home and resting! :D
Posted by Alicat
Glad you're back home. I send you more good thoughts for a continued speedy recovery.
Posted by Paz
Hi Clare
Welcome back. Glad you're on the mend and in happy spirits. And why not? No more hospital mashed potato!
Posted by AugustusGloop
Hi Clare,
Welcome home! I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Get lots of rest and relax for a while OK? Don't worry about us, we're all OK here. I'm glad Case was there to take care of you and I'm so happy that Kiri is glad to see that you're finally home!
Posted by Reid
Welcome back, Clare! So, glad you're home and feeling better. Give Kiri a hug for me and my LouLou.
Your possums look very different from ours here in California. Ours have much smaller ears and more of a bandit mask look around the eyes. I'll have to see if I can get a pick of one of the ones that eat on my deck.
Take care. ((hugs))
Posted by B'gina
am so glad you're back on yr feet again, clare!!! take care ok
Posted by babe_kl
Hi Clare,
Just found out about your mishap. Glad to hear that both you and Kiri are ok. Take care and get well soon.
Hugs from LL and me
So, anything happen with that errent dog and his owner? I hope they saw the blood and converted to dog training or better leash usage.
I'm glad we're the sort of bunch who realize that it wasn't Kiri's fault.
No more bathing the parrot for awhile! ;)
Posted by McAuliflower
Well, this just made my day. I hardly know ya but I have been thinking about you and talking about you A LOT!
Posted by Laurie
Take care of yourself and continue to give that beautiful Kiri all the love you can give. The dog (and it's owner) needs a lesson or two in manners and how a leash works.
Hoping you will be feeling better soon.
Posted by Jill
Clares back! happy dance
Posted by kitchenmage
Clare, I am so glad to see you are doing better.Welcome Back, dear friend!
Posted by Indira
aww its so good to hear you are back and in one piece :) Kiri must have so overcome with love from missing you, his purry motor must have been on all night :) welcome back Clare. love that pic btw, ive never seen a possom before, very cute!
Posted by Catesa
grrrrrrrrrrrr! who would suggest such an awful thing!
glad ur home and all is well. i discovered wcb from masak-masak while u were out...u guys are great!:)
Posted by aria
glad you are back and recovering.
Posted by Charlotte
CLARE! WELCOME BACK! I and many more people have missed you. I am so glad you are feeling much better, and I was praying hard for your recovery, and I hope you are still taking it quite easy! I am doing the happy Bumity Bum Bum dance for you! :)
Posted by milgwimper
Welcome back at home Clare! I am glad to read you are fine. Take your time to recover well. Indeed Australian hospital food seems as bad as the French one, even in the so called capital of good food... :) Take care and loads of "miaou" from Rima and Nala to you and Kiri. Thanks also to Boo and family for taking care of WCB.
Posted by sbmarie
SO glad to hear that you're home and happy. How terrible this must have been for you. Poor Kiri, getting a scare like that, and poor you suffering not only pain and infection, but HOSPITAL FOOD! All the best to you both!
Posted by tara
Clare, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Kiri is a darling. Give him lots of big, wet, smoochy kisses for me. And Lucky says "meow!!"
If you're up to cat blogging this weekend, I'll probably have something for you.
Posted by The Countess
Clare, I can't imagine how scared you both were, it's such a terrible thing to happen! I'm so happy you and Kiri are both fine, look after yourself and give Kiri lots of hugs from me.
Posted by keiko
Oh hon, that is quite a story! SO glad you are back and better.
Posted by Rachael
I'm happy you and Kiri are ok (belated).
I just wanted to tell u that i love this sweet little possum: he's so so sweet. I wish i could cuddle him...
Posted by fanny
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