I warned you ;)
A few weeks ago, I was being so dangerous, I knew I was prepared as I had a stash of chocolate at home and so I would be safe, I would be about to handle the major mind numbing goodness cravings I was about to get. What I was not prepared for was how those cravings would sneak back and catch me unawares. WTF am I talking about? I am talking about Orangette and the most alluring *brownies* I have ever seen. So what happened? Well, I might have bought a packet of the new Nestle Coveture Chocolate, just to try it out, for you! I only do this to myself for you guys... you do know that. Right?
So I was home, alone with a 200g packet of chocolate, chocolate to cook with. I was trying to come up with something hard core (feel the beat red raw :P ) something chocolatey, something that would take no prisoners and would really let me know how good the chocolate is. That's when I knew what I would have to make. Molly's Brownies. I re read the recipe, how much butter? How much Chocolate? How much sugar? OMG these are some rich brownies and they will work out just fine in my quest for hard core chocolate.
So, Did they work well? Look at the Picture people! I was even called a B@#$% for showing a certain grl these just before her bed time, she shall of course remain nameless. Yeah right :P
The only thing I am glad about (even this is kind of a misgiving) is that we had a friend over at dessert time. See my point?
If I made these again, I would add some 80% Lindt and reduce the sugar, but I love bitter chocolate.
All up.... 110% good job clare, good Job Molly.
How long will it take before the craving hits you?
Somebody needs to teach you the meaning of the word "nameless!" How embarrassing. : )
P.S. So I get the pic right before bed AND again first thing in the morning? Your cat is sweet, but you are just cruel. (Am already over embarrassment.)
Posted by farmgirl
I don't remember your name being said anywhere???? :P
It was all love and I would have said the same thing if I was you :P
Posted by clare eats
clare, clare, clare, oh my god those look so f'-in good!!!!! That so makes me yearn for winter when the only thing i can do is sit at home and eat brownies. guess what my sister might be moving to your neck of the woods in febuary!!! maybe you two could be best friends!!?? i'll keep you posted!
Posted by Cara
Hi Cara?
You sister? Cool =)
Oh yeah, you so know you will be making these brownies hehehe
Posted by clare eats
Extremely fudgy! It almost looks like a photo of pudding cake. Yum!
Posted by Nic
Oh Nic it was great.. perhaps it could have cooked for another minute or two... but I am so not complaining! After being in the fridge over night it was even more like fudge
Posted by clare eats
Ooooh, you caught me in the middle of a scorching chocolate craving. I'm making those brownies next.
I have a scrumptious French chocolate custard recipe on my blog if the brownies don't kill your chocolate craving. My custard is baking in the oven right now, and I'm going to the local beach chocolate shop to pick up some block dark chocolate to make the chocolate curls that go on top of the custards. I live two blocks from the beach in Massachusetts. I used ceramic mugs to hold the custards instead of ramekins. The blues and browns on the mugs set off the color of the custards beautifully. Here's the recipe if you'd like to try it:
Pots de Creme au Chocolat
Posted by The Countess
hi clare, those look positively illegal...the ultimate fudgy brownie...
Posted by J
Hi J!
That about sums it up :) I am so glad you agree though!
Posted by clare eats
excuse me while i go drool all over myself... just a little chocoholic over here. also with bitter chocolate or at least very dark, over 70% so that would be 1 lethal dessert. but oh so perfect in so many ways. mmmm
Posted by Catesa
Clare, you're a woman with good taste in brownies! So glad to hear--and see--that you liked them, m'dear. 110% good work indeed!
Posted by Molly
Oh, yeah I would definitely want some of these delicious brownies right now if I hadn't had some of the yummy cake Cara made for her daughter's second birthday party today. You should have seen and tasted it, Clare. You would be so proud.
Posted by Amy
Clare - That new oven of yours is sure getting a workout!!! :o)
Posted by Kirk
Hi Catesa
The chocolate I used was 66% and I think some 80% would have been great! The more lethal the better, then you can't eat as much.
Hi Molly
All 3 of us loved them :) Thanks for introducing us!
Hi Amy
Ooh Cake!!! So will the photo's be up in CaNOpy rd soon?
Hi Kirk
Well... yeah!
Posted by clare eats
doh! I knew I shouldn't have looked! Oh well, fighting chocolate cravings is a daily battle for me anyway :-)
Posted by Cin
Amy, are you bragging on me??!!
Posted by Cara
Hi Cin...
well if you are going to suffer from the pain of daily chocolate cravings you may as well relive them with some hardcore top class chocolate ;)
Oh yeah she so is Cara!
So where are the pics? :P
Posted by clare eats
clare i have to tell you something, and you may laugh at me, but i'm okay with that. I have no idea what this means :p or any of those other symbols that you make. so could you please start decoding for me? thanks
Posted by Cara
LOL (laugh out loud) :) (Smile)
That is ok Cara :P (funny with tongue out (so there))
Sorry will decode from now on :)(smile)
Posted by clare eats
thanks clare!!
Posted by Cara
not a problem Cara!
if you don't know other stuff just ask :) you can always email me too!
Posted by clare eats
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