Now I have to say this... Is that Oven sexy or what? I was going to post a contrasting picture with the old heap of crap, but I didn't want to sully that brilliant white goodness, or actually look at that smelly old oven of infinite sadness ever again! I think if I wish to be reminded about it I can just come and read some of my old posts :P This oven might be plain, but it is brand spanking and all mine *muah ha ha ha ha* (Where did that come from? ) At least till we move out .... hehehe
So as you have probably read biscuits, sorry Cookies for you yanks ( I was paid out today by an Aussie friend about calling them cookies today :P) . I needed a very special recipe for this first memorable recipe and since I had the very special packet of Butterscotch morsels care of a very lovely Nic I figured that a fitting use would be in the first batch of competition winning cookies! So I made the Baking by Flavours - Lisa Yockelson Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies. So how did they work out? Need you really ask?(look at the photo) They were perfect (No burnt bits) and crispy and tender and sooooo yummy! The flavour was awesome as well! So all around a perfect first bake, and it was quite suprising to see tht I didn't need to temp surf my oven..... *clare walks off whistling to her self!*
"...the old heap of crap" LOL!
Beautiful oven and mmmmmm, yummy-looking cookies, Clare. I have a feeling we're in for lots of baked goods in the next few weeks!
Posted by Amy
hmmm you might be right.... I am going to need a few people to offload them onto though, Case might become very popular at work........
Posted by clare eats
hi clare,how totally exciting! a new oven...love your choice of biscuit/cookie - they look and sound utterly delicious, as always! cheers,j
Posted by J
Well, you know, I've been gathering ideas for our little swap. You can totally onload some of those goodies to me, LOL!
Posted by Amy
Hi J
Thanks so much, a new oven is so exciting I think the plumber was going to bop me on the head with a wrench if I gushed one more time lol..... The cookies were fab but I did add another cup of oatmeal.... but I didn't convert the recipe to US Cups.... forgot til too late, but it worked out great anyway!
Hi Amy
Don't u be thinking I have forgotten about u grlfriend *grin*
Posted by clare eats
HaHA.....and guess which Southern Goddess we all know and love has been helping me come up with ideas?
Posted by Amy
"If you like my oven,
and you think it's sexy
come on sugar, let me know"
Ok, I'm going to get nailed on that one! But congrads on the oven. Looks like the beginning of a nice relationship!
Posted by Kirk
Congrats on the new oven! Mayb you have many baking successes with it. Those cookies (yankee here) look delicious! Yummy!
Posted by Kristi
All right Kirk, where is that one in the "Magic Mic" book? ::roaring:: Clare, you are so lucky to be in Oz!
I've been pondering this cookie biscuit conundrum and I think I have a potential solution. We could call them either
1. Bookies
2. Ciscuits
Whaddya tink? Either way, I think your new stove is pretty... umm... ::stiffling:: HOT! ::breaking down in laughter::
Posted by Jo
Jo - It's song #8680!
I think Biskies or coo-cuits would be nice names!
Posted by Kirk
Ah, those cookies look great! Let me take a moment to gloat that cookies beat out baklava for the first baked good. I'm sure you'll be putting that oven to good use, Clare.
Posted by Nic
Hi Amy
Does she start with a C?
Hi Kirk
that was fabulous, you are definately catching on ;)
Hi Kristi
lol, it's ok I am just teasing(nicely) I promise ;) Thanks I think it is going to be a beautiful relationship!
Hi Jo
Yep it is HOT! but also cool, whatever I want ;) *grin*
Kirk... kirk... kirk lol :P
Hi Nic
See I can bake wohooo!!!!! And I will be able to make all of your fabulous baked goods! :) Biscuits, Biscuits, Biscuits! (ducks from Jo)
Posted by clare eats
Wow. Straight outta the blocks and into the bake-a-thon!
And btw, I tend to call cookies as anything with chunky goodness (choc chip cookies, anything from Mrs Fields). Biscuits to me are everything else...
Posted by AugustusGloop
hi AG
I figured if I didn't I might have a revolution on my hands *Grin*
I think we need to start lobbying nestle for butterscotch morsels! Cause we are soooo missing out!
Posted by clare eats
that looks just toooo perfect man! well done clare!
when's the baklava coming? hehe.
Posted by tian
Hi Tian
I think the baklava will be along soon ;)
The only reason a pav might take awhile is that I don't have a mixer *Casey Where is my mixer!*
Posted by clare eats
I once had to make a pav without a mixer! I made all my male flatmates flex their muscles =)
Posted by AugustusGloop
I bet you did! The only problem is (I am going to get myself into trouble) Casey is a beating whimp :(
Posted by clare eats
Great cookies! Glad the oven is working out so well!
Posted by Joe @ Culinary in the Desert
Hi Joe
I am so relieved! It is great to be able to cooka again :)
Posted by clare eats
Yes, great looking oven and I love it that you went with gas. Lots of peeps are going with electric of late. I love my gas oven.
Yummmmmy cooooooooooooooookies!!!! * feeling like cookie monster at the moment*
Posted by keeper
Hi Keeper
I didn't really have a choice, but I like my gas oven ;)
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare,
Drats! I really thought you were going to make baklava! *sigh*
The COOKIES look good though! =P
Posted by Reid
Hi Reid
oh I will be making baklava don't worry, and hopefully it wont be too long either ;)
Posted by clare eats
Very nice oven and yummy cookies!
How is Kiri taking to the new oven?
Posted by PseudoChef
Hi Pseudo chef
Ta Muchly :)
I don't think Kiri realises it is any different... excpet that he tried to sit on the plumbers shoulder and watch him install it... that didn't work so well :)
Posted by clare eats
I love the double oven aspect of your new toy! I bought our stove 2 years ago and didn't consider the double-oven feature - never occurred to me - duh! Next time...
Posted by Sweetnicks
Hi Sweetnicks
The oven part on top is a griller and the bottom is the oven. The Griller looks really good though and it didn't work at all in the old one!
Posted by clare eats
clare i think she starts with a "southern goddess" I think i will legally change my name, what do you think. I LOVE your new oven, it is beautiful!!! I am also up for som "unloading" if you know what i mean!
Posted by Cara
WOOOHOOO!! Congrats on your new oven! LOL the cookies look really good! Your oven looks SO SEXY!!! LOL I am so happy for you! The different flavoured chips are amazing yes? One of my friend remembers being in the midwest (U.S) and running into cinnamon chips butterscotch and strawberry chips. *sigh* I will have to keep my eyes peeled for them!
Posted by mIlgwimper
ACK! ::laughs:: CLARE! NIC IS BEING MEAN! ::ducks her ownself::
Ya know, I've been pondering this whole biscuit/cookie thing. Does it really matter what we call them? As long as they are delicious and absolutely perfect for what they are being served as? I make biscuits and gravy for breakfast and they are tall, hot, loaded with butter, flaky, we smother them with honey or gravy... WOW!
When you make biscuits they are hot, sweet, loaded with scrumptious stuff, and probably best out of the oven with a tall cool glass of milk...
Casey, you need to get this woman a beater post haste!
Posted by Jo
Hello Clare, congratulations on the new stove and the fancy new cookies! you will be your own true domestic goddess with your new high tech equipment.. im anticipating marvellous souffles in your near future :)
Posted by michele
Hi Clare,
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am soooooo happy for you! That oven is absolutely beautiful! And LOL we must be on the same wave-length because I just wrote a post about my new "brand spanking new" computer and included a recipe for oatmeal cookies. : )
P.S. "Temp surf"--love it! (don't ever want to have to do it, though) : )
Posted by farmgirl
Hi Cara
I can send one HUGE package :P you, you SG you :)
Hi Milly
I am glad you think my ovens sexy.. but keep your dirty eyes off him, his MINE! Mine I tells ya!
Hi Jo
run, run .....
Yeah I agree, I am just scared of people getting confused, but I think I may have confused myself!
You Tell Casey, *Casey where are you? Jo Wants to tell you something* *grin*
Hi Michele
Me? A DG? I don't think so.... Wouldn't I have to like washing up? ha! I am soooooo making a soufle, I totally forgot about them!
Hehehehehe and we didn't even know! that is sooo funny. Casey's dad tried them last night and he is hooked ;)
I was a bit confused when baking the cookies? Where is the searing heat? Why are they not burning? When should I reduce the temperature to non existant? Then it hit me, oh I don't have to do that anymore.... crazy!
Posted by clare eats
You know, I have NEVER tried to make a souffle!?! I've always had the notion of trying one, just never got a rnd2it! hmmm... CASEY?!? ::smiles sweetly and beguilingly:: Oh Casey? ::bats eyelashes winsomely:: I just bet you are getting an urge to do something really nice for Clare aren't you? She would be SO thrilled to have a brand new hand mixer. I don't know about there in OZland, but here in the US Black & Decker makes a good relyable brand that is less than $25. Can't you just IMAGINE how excited, and WIGGLY HAPPY she would be if you brought home a mixer JUST for her?!?!?! ::bats eyelashes again for good measure::
::whispers conspiratorily to Clare:: How was that? Remember to umm... wiggle! LOTS!
Posted by Jo
Clare Whispers: Thanks Jo it was perfect. Wiggle. Wiggle
Posted by clare eats
;o) You better decide exactly what you want and email me a link!
Posted by Jo
Yippee for new ovens. Those cookies look great, I'm so glad they turned out well. Looks like everyone is hooked on them.
Posted by boo_licious
Hi Boo
Thanks HEAPS!!!!!! they were/are fantastic ;)
Posted by clare eats
Hi Clare - hurray, new oven! I still remember when I got ours, you must be excited! The *cookies* look yummy too ;)
Posted by keiko
Hi Keiko
I am still so excited, today I just realised that it means that I can bake bread :) yipee! The cookies were great :)
Posted by clare eats
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