Wow thats a mouthfull isn't it?
This recipe for Espresso Coconut Semifredo is from my friend Andy @ coffeesnobs he found this recipe on a packet of CSR demerera sugar, I love that stuff. I have wanted to make this recipe for ages, but I decided it wouldn't be worth making it until I had home roasted coffee :) . Whilst I waited, if you don't have freshly roasted coffee, still make it, it's awesome! The only thing's I would change are to add some grated 75% cocoa liquor chocolate and maybe a nice sized splash of booze possibly amaretto? or a coffee or coconut liquor.

Espresso Coconut Ice-cream
Prep Time: 10 Min plus overnight freezing Cooking Time 5 min.
1/4 Cup of espresso ground coffee
1 cup of coconut cream
6 egg yolks
1 cup or CSR Demerara sugar
600ml of thickened cream (whipped)
1. Combine the ground coffee and coconut cream in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir occasionally for 3-4 minutes or until hot, do not boil. Remove from the heat, cool.
2. Combine egg yolks and CSR Demerara sugar in a large heat-resistant bowl. Place over a saucepan of simmering water (ensure bowl does not touch the water) mix with an electric hand-mixer, on low speed, for 5 minutes or until thick and pale
3. Remove from heat, stir in coffee mixture. Cool.
4. Fold in whipped cream and pour mixture into an airtight container, seal and freeze for 10 hours or until firm.
5. Allow to stand in the refrigerator 10 minutes before serving.
So once I had made this, I realised that I had 6 egg whites left. What was I going to do with them? Casey is not a huge fan of pavlova, so I decided to try and make some macaroons as I had been inspired by the chocolate amaret at Christopher's Cake shop and by the macaroons that everyone in american has been discussing of late. I found a recipe but I had to play with it of course. I don't think I have perfected it yet... but I basically subsituted LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond) meal for the straight almond meal. Added 1/2 cup of ground coffee and 1/3 cup of cocoa powder. My egg whites were quite big though. I have an added problem as I have to deal with the oven of despair or the evil Oven of hotness +2 (I think casey played to many role playing games in his former life :P ). The recipe is posted below, unaltered. The additions did work well, I think mine were a little soft due to my mixing it by hand and the crappy oven.

Almond macaroons
3 ¼ cup blanched almonds
2 cups sugar
4 egg whites
½ teaspoon almond extract
Sifted matzoh flour for dusting
¼ cup blanched, toasted almonds
Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Grind the almonds in a food processor. Place the ground almonds in a bowl. Add the sugar and egg whites one-by-one, blending by hand or with the food processor, until a paste is formed (the paste can be manipulated by the hand). Add almond extract. Refrigerate for ten minutes. Dust a large cookie sheet with matzoh flour. Take a piece of the dough, the size of a plum, roll between the palms of your hands to make a ball. Pinch the top to shape like a pear. Place, wide side down, on the cookie sheet. Place half a blanched and toasted almond on top. Bake 20-25 minutes, until the cookies rise and are slightly browned. Cool slightly and separate with a spatula, taking care not to break the cookies
So to make the homage complete I need to assemble, looks good doesn't it? The only thing I would have changed would have been perhaps some rasberries to add a sour note. If you like ice cream but don't have your an ice cream maker like me, try this it's easy and works a treat.
Coffee Ice Cream?
Hey I'm always looking for another way of getting my caffine and the picture looks so good.
Hi Bikerchic,
yeah it's not too bad at all :) it's really easy you should try it some time.
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